About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Tennessee Representative Calls for “Public Corruption” Investigation of Clinton Foundation
Is this the effort that will finally break through the teflon coating of the Clinton dynasty? By Bob Adelmann ...
Venezuela Now a Military Dictatorship
In Venezuela, now a military dictatorship, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino is in charge of enforcing price controls and distributing what's left of products supplied by the crippled economy. ...
Study by Black Harvard Economist Refutes Black Lives Matter’s Claim
This study's conclusions refute persuasively the very foundation upon which the BLM movement is built. They are likely to change nothing. ...
Congresswoman Corinne Brown Indicted; Faces 357 Years on Corruption Charges
Another legislator, Congresswoman Corrine Brown, who is being brought to account for various misdeeds, has lots of company, unfortunately. ...
Chicagoans Hit With Massive Tax Increases Over July 4 Weekend
The bills for past profligate spending to ensure union support for politicians are just now coming due. ...
Ending Crude Oil Export Ban Already Helping U.S. Economy
Since the crude oil export ban was lifted last December, exports increased seven times previous levels in the first three months of 2016: a lesson in free markets. ...
Ryan Reverses, Calls for Another Vote on Gun Control
Paul Ryan's position on the Constitution is as flexible as a windshield wiper. ...
Iowa Senator Joni Ernst on Trump’s VP Short List
Trump could surprise many when he announces his vice president selection next week, before the RNC convention in Cleveland. ...
Disbarment Charges Filed Against Prosecutor in Freddie Gray Case
State Attorney Marilyn Mosby couldn't have done more damage to the justice system in Baltimore if she had deliberately intended it. ...
New Bailout Bill for Puerto Rico Supposedly “Won’t Cost Taxpayers a Dime”
More government "oversight" is the last thing Puerto Rico needs, but that's what it is getting to aid its financial woes. What it needs instead is less government, not...
Resurgence of Nationalism Following Brexit Making Insiders Nervous
The good news following Brexit includes the angst being felt by the insiders as they see their plans exposed and threatened. ...
Supreme Court Decides Domestic Abusers Can Lose Their Gun Rights
Even in its present makeup the Supreme Court has a strong anti-gun and anti-Second Amendment bias. ...
Corruption in U.S. House: Fattah Forced to Resign; Rangel Chooses to Retire
These two are not just one-off examples of political corruption, but instead represent the debased culture that returns them and their cohorts to office year after year. ...
Federal Judge: BLM Rules on Fracking Are Illegal
An Obama-appointed federal judge has ruled that the Bureau of Land Management overreached its authority when it issued rules on fracking. ...
Retiring Senator Harry Reid Turns on His Former Supporter, the NRA
The quid pro quo arrangement between the NRA and the far-left senator from Nevada Harry Reid is no more. ...