Ann Shibler, Author at The New American - Page 3 of 4
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About: Ann Shibler

Stimulus Money Going Out to Schools

President Obama’s Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced that $44 billion is being released in the first round of the stimulus money-grabbing contest for schools. ...

Obama Signs On To UN Homosexual Rights

Obama’s administration notified the French sponsors of the United Nations declaration that calls for the decriminalization of homosexuality around the world that the United States was now willing to...

Pelosi: More Bailout Funds Needed

On both sides of the aisle, lawmakers are beginning to express doubts that more bailouts will solve the nation’s economic problems and have labeled their frustration “bailout fatigue.” House...

Obama Reverses Abortion Policy

Federal money — taxpayers’ money — will now be available for many international groups that promote or provide abortions. The White House issued a statement on Friday at 7...

Obama Names Duncan Education Secretary

On Tuesday, President-elect Barack Obama nominated the head of the Chicago school system, Arne Duncan, to serve as education secretary for the new administration. Nationally, little is known about...