About: Alias

The Oscars’ Road to Perdition

Hollywood just announced its 2014 Oscar nominations for 2013 movies, and we have to say that the vast majority of the nominees are boring, uninspiring, tasteless, elitist, senseless, or...

Trade Promises … and Trade Reality

The promoters of the misnamed Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) claim that these agreements will create jobs and prosperity. They also claim that the FTAs will not undermine national sovereignty....

Tom Eddlem on the NDAA (Video)

Tom Eddlem, writer for The New American magazine, talks about the National Defense Authorization Act and how it specifically infringes upon American citizens' rights. ...

Karen Schroeder on Common Core (Video)

Karen Schroeder, president of the Advocates for Academic Freedom, speaks about the Common Core curriculum that is being implemented across the United States. She speaks on the dangers of...

Tom Eddlem on the NSA (Video)

Tom Eddlem, writer for The New American magazine, explains the constitutional problems with the NSA collecting metadata from e-mails and cellphones. ...

Why Not Just Abolish the NSA?

The most important question that Americans need to be asking themselves is, Does the national-security state have any role in a free society? The Founding Fathers certainly didn’t think...

Problems with Common Core (Video)

In this short video presentation, Dr. Duke Pesta describes what's wrong with the Common Core standards that are being imposed on American public schools. ...