Becky Akers, Author at The New American - Page 5 of 10
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About: Becky Akers

No License for ID

How many times during December’s frantic shopping did a merchant ask you for ID when you paid for your purchases? And how did...

TSA: Airports Are Only the Beginning

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), notorious for groping and ogling naked passengers at checkpoints, has long claimed that its “mission” is “protect[ing] the...

Fire the Fire Department

The State that imprisons heroin junkies is as addicted to money as its victims are to their dope. And like them, it will...

Why Are You Still Flying?

I’m trying to sympathize with the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) multitudes of victims. I truly am. But honestly, how dumb can they be?...

The Only Way: Abolish the TSA

“I was almost in tears,” passenger Rhonda Gaynier told the Associated Press. “I’ve never been so humiliated in my life. It’s one of...

Trashing Tyner

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is ever the bully and sore loser. Witness its ham-fisted clobbering of John Tyner, the passenger who warned its...

Terror Stalks U.S!

"Terror Stalks U.S!" So screamed the printed edition of New York's Daily News last weekend — and it wasn't a forecast of Tuesday's...