Becky Akers, Author at The New American - Page 6 of 10
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About: Becky Akers

Body Scanners: Irradiating JFK

In its zeal to peel every last shred of dignity from passengers, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) foisted its strip-search scanners on New...

Learn or Else

Barack Obama, that noted educational authority who’s taught public school for decades, has again blessed us with his expertise by touting longer incarceration...

UNending Poverty

With its “peacekeeping” that kills folks as dead as warfare does and its international meddling, you might think the United Nations would spawn...

Betraying Friends to Friends

Seems the late Ernest C. Withers, a.k.a. “the Original Civil Rights Photographer” whose iconographic pictures recorded the turbulent 1960’s, was also a snitch...

Inflaming Moslems

Were I the sort of barbarian who burns books, I’d roast all 75 volumes of the Federal Register rather than the Quran. ...

Our True Enemy, The State

Just as the State’s wars and taxes, oppression, corruption and cruelty are a worldwide curse, so is its xenophobia. The United States has...

Liberty Mugged and Murdered

This is a story of oppression and atrocities, of a supposedly constitutional government mushrooming into dictatorship, of a once-free people shrugging at the...

Another Wrong for Civil Rights

In propaganda disguised as a legal decision, California's Judge Vaughn Walker decreed last week that "moral and religious views form the only basis...

Drum Out the VA

On May 7, 1818, a veteran of the Revolutionary War named Asher Wright "personally appear[ed]" before Presiding Judge Sylvester Gilbert in the "District...

There Oughtn’t To Be A Law

Pick your peeve: illegal immigrants, toxic television with its pornographic programs, second-hand smoke, ballooning budgets. Even the smallest of small-government advocates sometimes assume...