Becky Akers, Author at The New American - Page 4 of 10
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About: Becky Akers

Who Killed Jesus Christ?

Theologically, of course, we all did. Our sins plaited the crown of thorns and jammed it on His brow, wielded the whip tearing the muscles from His back, drove...

Ron Paul’s “Liberty Defined”

When was the last time you opened a book by a contemporary politician — or more accurately, his ghostwriter — to see Lysander Spooner mentioned, much less discussed, and...

What We Need Is Whole Congress Imaging

As I write, Congress is indulging in one of its usual shams: a “hearing” to determine whether blatantly unconstitutional, unconscionable federal crimes are in fact constitutional and conscionable —...

“In God We Trust”? Oh, Please

It’s rare that I applaud a fool, but this time I think the Lord would as well. Notorious atheist Michael Newdow, he of the easily ruffled sensibilities and eagle...

The Revolution’s Reactionary Radicals

When Solomon observed that there’s nothing new under the sun, he might have been speaking of politicians: Most plagiarize from their predecessors. Wage and price controls, blaming the victims...

Training for the Police-State

“A video of Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) screening passengers at a Savannah, Georgia Amtrak station has been gaining quite a bit of attention,” burbles the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA)...

Shutting Down the Mob

“Government Shutdown Looming” because of “Stalemate Over Funding,” ABC News reports. And the Los Angeles Times warns, “If government shuts, many — but not all — services cease.” ...

Pretending to Save Us from the TSA

Look out, or the politicians hustling to rescue us from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and its sexual assaults at the airport may run you over. Of course, these...

ObamaCare Ruling Spotlights Criminal Courts

Monday’s decision regarding ObamaCare’s unconstitutionality makes it easy to forget that American courts operate for government’s benefit, not ours -— and certainly not for such amorphous, lobby-less concepts as...

We Are the Resistance!

I didn’t waste time listening to the [Mi]Stake of the Union last night, and I hope you didn’t either. Life contains enough indignities without subjecting ourselves to that. Besides,...