Deep State: Underbelly of the Intelligence Community
U.S. intelligence agencies operate without any meaningful congressional or other governmental oversight, yet they take actions that affect U.S. policies worldwide and override U.S. laws and American freedoms.
Amid a high-profile showdown with the “intelligence community” early in his term, President Donald Trump was repeatedly and viciously threatened — even with extreme threats such as dying in prison. What type of people can threaten the legally elected president of the United States and get away with it? Meet the “intelligence” and “security” tentacles of the “Deep State,” both of which now function largely as tools of the “Deep State Behind the Deep State.”
Since the presidential election, elements of what is often called the “intelligence community” have dropped the mask. For everyday Americans unaware of the out-of-control behavior of so many secretive government bureaucracies, it was shocking to hear lawmakers and bureaucrats acknowledge that the “intelligence” apparatus was taking on Trump — and to witness the Deep State’s war against the legitimately elected president, such as the incessant leaks from inside the intelligence community. Those leaks included, of course, the now-discredited dirty dossier on Trump. But the intelligence community’s employment of unsavory tactics, supposedly to safeguard national security, has been obvious to discerning Americans for many years.
That the sprawling network of secrecy-obsessed spy agencies do the dirty work for the Deep State behind the Deep State appears very clear. Indeed, many of the ostensible kingpins of the “Deep State” intelligence apparatus, as well as their key enablers, are members of the secret and semi-secret organizations exposed in this issue. For example, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Agency (NSA) bosses routinely attend Bilderberg meetings. Virtually all of them have been members of the Council on Foreign Relations, and many have been involved with the Trilateral Commission. In addition, many of them have been involved with the secret societies such as Skull and Bones, as well as Bohemian Grove. George H.W. Bush, who ran the CIA before becoming president, was involved with every single one of them.
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