In African Union, Globalist Agenda Becomes Clear

In African Union, Globalist Agenda Becomes Clear

The United States, the EU, and Communist China are all funding the goal of a single African government, similar to the EU. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The continent of Africa is being unified economically and politically under an EU-style continental regime beyond the reach of citizens. Known formally as the “African Union,” the plot to smash national sovereignty and what little self-government exists on the continent has been in full swing in recent years. And the entire integration agenda is, in fact, being supported and financed by the Obama administration, the European Union, and the communist dictatorship ruling mainland China. None of those powers have the interests of Africans in mind.

Similar “regionalization” plots are underway across Latin America, Eurasia, Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and North America. The most advanced is the EU, which is an outgrowth of what was supposed to be a Common Market; another example is NAFTA, which is intended to follow the Common Market-EU trajectory.

All of the regional “union” regimes are being created by and for the benefit of globalists who claim they are working for "free trade" while building their transnational bureaucracies. And ultimately, the end-game involves bringing all of the “regions” into a single global system, as globalists have made perfectly clear. In Africa's developments, there are many lessons to learn for those who wish to understand the "New World Order" being imposed on humanity, and the deceptive process through which it is occurring.  

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