The Last Word
Liberally Speaking

Liberally Speaking

To harmonize their ideals, which should liberals do: be against abortion or be for torture? ...
Kurt Williamsen
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In 2014, the Democrats then vying for the 2016 presidential primaries condemned torture — enhanced interrogation — done in the wake of 9/11. Enhanced interrogation included abdominal slaps, confinement in small spaces, liquid diets, nudity, stress positions, sleep deprivation, slamming captives against walls, dousing or immersing them with cold water, and waterboarding.

“The United States must not engage in torture,” Bernie Sanders said. “If we do, in an increasingly brutal world, we lose our moral standing to condemn other nations or groups that engage in uncivilized behavior.”

Yet the candidates were unified in their support of abortion, with Hillary Clinton recently claiming that being pro-abortion should be a litmus test to be a Democratic legislator, and Democrat Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley supporting a referendum to allow late-term abortions. This despite the fact that much evidence exists that pre-born infants younger than 20 weeks gestation feel pain, such as the fact that surgeons generally anesthetize pre-born infants before operating on them to keep them from thrashing around in the womb.

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