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The Queering of America

The Queering of America

This article from 1989 warned of the long-term strategy of the homosexual revolution, including not just same-sex "marriage" but much more. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The U.S. Supreme Court's decision striking down state laws barring same-sex "marriage" is the culmination of a decades-long corrosive process, one that has been methodically guided by a strategic subversive plan. All moral people are rightly outraged by this official mockery of the natural law, the moral law, and the divine law. But we should not be shocked or surprised, as the unmistakable signs that this was coming have been ever more obvious with each and every concession to the "gay" lobby and "gay" culture. This article originally appeared in the June 8, 1998 issue of The New American, 17 years ago. — The editors

‘‘I want to give you a little more evidence for my notion that this country has shifted in the 1990s and has transformed,” lesbian activist Elizabeth Birch told her university audience earlier this year. “Where is the least likely place anybody would look for leadership on a social issue?” she asked. “Corporate America, right?” But therein lies a tremendous irony. Ms. Birch explains: “By 1991, almost no companies in this country, almost none, had even nondiscrimination policies. Just a handful of years later, over half of the Fortune 500 had instituted nondiscrimination policies.... Over 100 of the Fortune 1,500 have instituted domestic partner coverage. That means the CEO at some point says, ‘I am going to take on my board, my shareholders, and my customers and do this.’ And I’ve happened to have the privilege to work very closely with a number of these companies. These are household names like Kodak, American Express, IBM, and the Disney Corporation.”

Look at Disney

Disney, of course, epitomizes the astonishing transformation of which Ms. Birch spoke. In the past few years, the company once synonymous with wholesomeness and quality family entertainment has become a leading purveyor of perversion — and the target of repeated campaigns by churches and religious organizations offended by its scandalous productions. Who would have thought it possible that the beloved Magic Kingdom would so soon after Walt Disney’s passing turn into a Wicked Empire that: hires a convicted child molester to direct a movie; recruits an open lesbian and an avowed homosexual to top executive positions; publishes openly pro-homosexual books directed toward youngsters; injects subliminal pornographic images into its animated movies; produces a children’s animated epic with sub rosa homosexual characters; and sponsors an annual homosexual confabulation at Disney World that subjects unsuspecting families to the rowdy and raunchy activities of hordes of deviants?

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