It has been said that political correctness kills. Now it might have killed an adolescent British girl, a young lady who, the story goes, might have chosen death over the stigma of being called “racist.” The Daily Caller reports:
Phoebe Connop, a 16 year old and a talented gymnast, sent her friends a picture in which she had darkened her skin tone and put a scarf around her head. In the message, she told her friends that the parents of the young Asian man she was seeing would only accept her if she looked like she did in the photograph, according to the Telegraph.
One of her “friends” leaked the photo, and reports say that Phoebe received some initial negative feedback for the photo.
Her father dropped her off from school early July 7 recalling that his daughter didn’t feel well and wanted to go home to rest. When he returned home, he found that Phoebe had hung herself.
Her father told the press that “she had shown me no indication in the weeks leading up to her death that there was anything wrong, let alone anything that would lead her to do this.”
The detective in-charge of investigating Miss Connop’s case stated: “There had been some negative reaction (to the photo) and she confided in her friend, who did take the image down at her request, that she was scared of what the reaction might be from the Asian community in her area,” the Sun reports.
American Thinker’s Rick Moran helps with the code words, pointing out that “‘Asian’ is usually British media-speak for ‘Muslim.’” He also avers that it “isn’t so much that the backlash against the young girl was so intense that it triggered her suicide. This is a case where the potential backlash by Muslims — the fear of politically correct personal attacks — made life going forward unbearable.” Of course, one might also wonder how much the social pressure, already applied or potential, from native Brits played a role. After all, political correctness (PC) was authored by white Westerners, and they’re still its most effective enforcers.
Moran also states that the “world has lost its sense of humor, and political correctness is wholly to blame,” and this is apparent. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld, not by any means a member of the Christian Right, mentioned last year that comedians are now avoiding college gigs because of PC. He complained that young people “just want to use these words; that’s ‘racist, that’s sexist, that’s prejudice.’ They don’t even know what they’re talking about.” Fellow comedian Chris Rock opined likewise, saying that he “stopped playing colleges” because the climate is so bad that “you can’t even be offensive on your way to being inoffensive.” And it’s even worse if you’re not an entertainer. Just consider the case of 73-year-old Nobel Laureate Sir Tim Hunt: He was forced to resign last year from his position at the University College London for making an innocent joke about women.
While there certainly might have been other issues that contributed to Phoebe Connop’s suicide, it’s not a stretch to think that politically correct pressure might have pushed her over the edge. PC is the suppression of Truth for the purposes of promoting a left-wing agenda. And while there’s much talk today about “bullying,” PC’s thought police and brown-shirt mobs are a bully’s bullies. They take no prisoners and have quite a sting.
Just consider that PC is fearsome enough to be leading to something for which Connop’s case is a sad metaphor: the suicide of the West. In 2014, for instance, we learned of how British authorities had ignored a Muslim-run child sex trafficking ring for 15 years — thus allowing 1,400 native British children to be abused — all because they were afraid of being called “racist.” In fact, one official who did try to blow the whistle was forced into “diversity training” and told, “You must never [again] refer to Asian men” — with, again, Asian meaning Muslim.
And matters are even worse in the West’s most liberal nation, Sweden. As Breitbart reported in January:
Swedish police have been ordered not to release descriptions of crime suspects which include race or nationality to avoid being branded racist. A memo handed out to all officers instructs them to withhold the information from the public when reporting all routine crimes, including burglary.
From now on, crimes must be reported on the police website without mentioning basic descriptive information such as “height, skin colour, nationality and race, etc.” the memo, seen by Svenska Dagbladet (SvD), reads. According to the paper, the new regulation could be applied to everything “from minor traffic accidents to serious crimes like muggings, beatings and murder.”
So while Sweden is experiencing a quasi-epidemic of Muslim-perpetrated rape and sexual abuse, authorities’ main concern is that neither their jobs nor their multicultural model be threatened.
It could be said that racism is the prized value of the man without a sense of virtue. There are seven Deadly Sins — greed, sloth, gluttony, pride, envy, lust, and wrath — and true racism is merely a sub-category of the last. It’s not the end-all and be-all, and it’s certainly not something over which you end it all, especially since much of what’s labeled racism is just unfashionable truth. Sadly, too many young people today have been brainwashed into believing that it’s the one unpardonable sin — and that those committing it must be utterly destroyed.