South America
South American Union Seeks Regional Law Enforcement
As Latin American governments continue marching toward ever-closer “integration” under transnational bodies like the socialist-dominated Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), regional leaders...
Latin America Debates Drug Legalization; Obama Demands More War on Drugs
Leaders throughout Latin America are increasingly hinting that they may defect from the United Nations-inspired and U.S. government-led “War on Drugs.” But the...
Read moreChavez Threatens Banks and Land Owners Refusing His Orders
Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez threatened to nationalize private banks which refuse to obey an official mandate and finance the regime’s development projects, sparking...
Read moreNew Americas Group Includes Cuba, Not U.S; China Cheers
Leaders of Latin American and Caribbean governments gathered in Caracas, Venezuela, on Friday and Saturday to forge a new regional organization that includes...
Read morePrice Controls, Hugo Chavez, and Venezuelan Poverty
When Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced last Tuesday the imposition of new price controls on a long list of consumer items, he expressed...
Read moreFARC Leader Killed by Colombian Army
Colombian government officials claim that the leader of that nation’s most prominent rebel group was killed Friday in an operation carried out by...
Read moreBrazil to Replace Great Britain as World’s 6th Largest Economy
With the discovery of huge oil fields off the coast of Brazil in the fall of 2007 came estimates of just what impact...
Read moreBrazilian Appeals Court Rules for Homosexual Marriage
A top court in Brazil has weighed in on homosexual marriage, ruling that two women can legally tie the knot. According to the...
Read moreHugo Chavez’ Heart of Gold
In keeping with his governing style, that is, rule by decree, "President" Chávez recently nationalized Venezuela’s gold mining industry. With its expropriation, the...
Read moreCorruption: Brazil Sheltering Wanted Marxist Terrorist
American and Colombian officials suspected that a decision by the Brazilian government granting political asylum to a prominent Marxist terrorist was made under...
Read moreVenezuela Brings Gold Home
In today’s extremely unsettled financial climate, one can hardly blame Venezuela or its erratic leader, Hugo Chavez, for deciding to bring home the...
Read moreChavez Wants More Prisons
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez (left) has decided that one of the serious problems with the nation he bullies is that there are not...
Read moreWith Euro Crisis, South American Union Slows Currency Scheme
After witnessing the massive economic crisis swamping the European Union and euro-zone countries in particular, the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR or...
Read moreEcuadorian Socialist President Rafael Correa’s Power Grab
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa (left) is perceived by many to be leading his country down the road of Venezuelan-style statism, socialism, and dictatorship...
Read moreChile’s Privatized Social Security Program is 30 Years Old, and Prospering
As a quiet example of how privatizing Social Security works in the real world, Chile’s 30-year experiment is succeeding beyond expectations. Instead of...
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