So now in England a Christian minister won’t just be convicted of a crime if he “misgenders” a “trans woman,” the trendy neologism for a man who pretends to be a woman, or is mentally ill and thinks he is one.
The trouble for 42-year-old David McConnell, a property manager and part-time street preacher, was much worse. He didn’t just trespass the new rules on those whom we cannot offend, which invited the conviction for “misgendering” he is appealing.
He was reported as a possible terrorist.
This is the cloud-cuckoo land in which the English are living. When a man “misgenders,” and the mob howls, the cops and anti-terror squad move in.
Tranny Trouble
The trouble for McConnell began, the Christian Concern website reported, when he was street preaching in Briggate, Leeds, on June 8, 2021.
A “trans woman” asked McConnell “whether God accepted the LGBT community,” an obvious trick to get McConnell arrested. Bravely, McConnell answered: “No, God hates sin.”
Then all hell broke loose as the man-lady’s legion of followers responded in fury:
Members of the crowd screamed at him: “She’s a woman!”
Mr McConnell replied: “No, this is a man”, to which a female member of the crowd shouted: “She’s just as much a woman as me!”
Continuing to calmly preach about what the Bible says about sexual sin and homosexuality, Mr McConnell referred to the individual as “this gentleman” and a “man in women’s clothes.”
The man-lady’s backers, including “a part-time drag queen,” hurled impious insults, then assaulted McConnell and stole his amplifier, then “chanted ‘hate speech, hate speech’ when the police arrived on the scene,” the website continued.
The fuming, deranged crowd told the cops to punish the heretic on the spot. “You’ve got a baton. Slap him around the f***ing arse and take him.”
The mob also called him a “dirty little scumbag” and another unspeakable name.
“Turn that cross upside down and shove it up you’re f***ing arse,” the man-lady’s storm troopers shouted.
The Arrest and Conviction
But that violation of the same law McConnell was convicted of breaking didn’t bother the cops.
“Rather than controlling the crowd, a police officer with pentagram tattoos started collating evidence on how Mr McConnell had allegedly ‘misgendered’ the ‘trans woman,” the website continued:
The officer began a one-on-one conversation with Mr McConnell where he suggested that they would not arrest him, but would invite him for an interview at the police station at a later date.
Asked what the allegations were against Mr McConnell, the officer said: “Homophobic hate crime. Officers say that there are a lot of members of the crowd who are “harassed, alarmed and distressed.”
That “crime” is covered by Sections 4(a) and 5 of the Public Order Act, which leftists use to attack conservatives and Christians who “offend” them.
Then McConnell told the demonic cop that he, McConnell, hadn’t violated the law. “Listen mate, I’m not having that, because she’s told you she’s a woman,” the cop replied.
When McConnell told the cop he was merely answering the tranny’s question, the officer arrested him to the crowd’s sulfurous cheers. He was released after 14 hours in custody, then convicted of using “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour.”
“People have the right to hold opinions and express their views,” the prosecutor said. “But when words cross the line between a legitimate expression of religious views, and become distressing and threatening, the CPS will prosecute offenders if our legal test is met.”
McConnell was sentenced to 80 hours of community service and paid a 620-pound fine (about $735).
Possible Terrorist
Again, the cop didn’t arrest anyone in the deranged crowd, but anyway, McConnell’s legal woes didn’t end there. Prior to sentencing, “the Probation Service ‘routinely’ reported Mr McConnell to counter-terrorism,” the website continued:
The probation officer’s report said that it was clear that Mr McConnell’s Christian faith had positively impacted his life and helped him become a “hard working family man.” It continued that: “I am satisfied there is no sinister or deliberately offensive objective to Mr McConnell’s activities.”
Yet the report concluded saying:
“As with any adjournment where the individual is viewed to be persistently and illegally espousing an extreme point of view, I have routinely liaised with my colleagues in the Joint Counter Terrorism Team. They have no further information on Mr McConnell that would suggest their intervention would be likely or helpful.”
Those “colleagues” work with Prevent, England’s “counter-terrorism policing agency” that’s supposed to “prevent vulnerable people from being drawn into extremism.”
Totalitarian Rule
McConnell isn’t, of course, the only victim of England’s increasingly draconian laws.
In 2019, cops arrested and held a woman for seven hours when she called a “trans woman” a man.
Even silently protesting in public might be cause for arrest in the once-free nation.
Three days before Christmas last year, cops arrested a woman for standing near an abortion and praying — in her head.
English Catholic apologist and philosopher G.K. Chesterton saw what was coming.
“We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four,” he wrote for the London Illustrated News on August 14, 1926, “in which furious party cries will be raised against anybody who says that cows have horns, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green.”
McConnell maddened the mob for calling a man a man.
H/T: Daily Mail, Breitbart