Europe’s Finance Woes Widen
The sludge of spendthrift government is spreading across the continent of Europe. In Greece, public employees staged protests even though an actuarial analysis...
UKIP Leader Resembles Tea Party Leaders as He Rips EU
The viral exposure of a video of an anti-European Union speech given earlier this week at European Parliament has some political analysts wondering...
Read moreThe Unintended, or Intended, Effects of Wikileaks?
While the benefits of the items revealed in some of the Wikileaks reports are debatable, one cannot help but wonder about the motives...
Read moreSwiss Vote to Deport Foreign Criminals
Over the course of centuries, Switzerland has developed a reputation as a place of sanctuary for dissidents and refugees from oppression. From John...
Read moreIrish Government Near Collapse from Debt Crisis
The financial crisis in Europe, which paralyzed Iceland, which sent Greece into a spiral of angry confrontations with public employees unions, which is...
Read moreUN Official Admits Cap and Trade Is Wealth Redistribution
Assertions made by climate-change skeptics that there are ulterior motives behind climate-change legislation were confirmed by a leading member of the United Nations...
Read moreBritish Defense Chief: 30 to 40 Years of Afghanistan Occupation Ahead
The foreign policy bait-and-switch continues. First, President Barack Obama declared the end of combat in Iraq, withdrawing some U.S. troops but leaving many...
Read moreBritain Demands Financial Services Firms Record Cell Phone Calls
On the one hand, the British government has been talking lately about restoring some of its subjects’ lost civil liberties and privacy. On...
Read moreIreland’s Financial Woes Widen European Union Crisis
Ireland is one of many nations within the European Union that faces profound doubts about its ability to maintain its financial credibility. During...
Read moreCigarette Companies Face Global Pressures
Apparently, tobacco companies are facing stricter marketing restrictions not only in the United States, but on the global scale as well. However, in...
Read moreUK’s Islam Channel Censured for Guests Advocating Marital Rape
The recent decision by voters in Oklahoma to ban Islamic Sharia law from the courtrooms of their state has already been met with...
Read moreAP Coverage Skewed as UK Students Violently Protest Tuition Hikes
For those who wonder what the entitlement mentality looks like when it is out of control, they need not look beyond Europe. In...
Read moreBush: “I’d have endorsed Obama if they’d asked me”
President Bush told British officials in the heat of the 2008 presidential election, “I’d have endorsed Obama if they’d asked me,” according to...
Read moreMore Mail Bombs and Suspicious Packages
A suspicious package was discovered at the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel Tuesday morning, just hours after small mail bombs exploded outside...
Read moreEven the UK Balks at U.S. Air Security Measures
As U.S. airport security measures tighten, squeezing every last ounce of dignity out of law-abiding travelers, even European officials have had enough. Oklahoma’s...
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