A Labour Party life peer in England told Reform Party leader Nigel Farage that his party must launch an independent probe of the Pakistani Muslim rape gang scandal, and if necessary prosecute those officials who covered it up.
Lord Maurice Glasman, founder of the renegade Blue Labour faction of the party, said that the “systematic neglect” that led to the rape of at least tens of thousands of white, working class British girls must be “exorcised” from the party.
On X, Blue Labour itself said that the party’s voting against inquiry yesterday is a decision it would “regret.”
In what might be the greatest act of political cowardice since the Conservative Party canceled venerable statesman Enoch Powell because of his misportrayed, anti-immigration Rivers of Blood Speech, Labour Party leaders hid their eyes to the scandal and ran for the bushes.
Glasman: Commission Needs “Powers Of Arrest”
Authorities must “face up to the horror that has happened in our country,” Glasman said:
Systematic rape, neglect, disbelief. This needs to be exercised from the body politic…. I think we should have a nine-month commission. I think it should have powers of arrest. I think it’s got to look absolutely at Pakistani gang rape, systematic abuse, and the people who have been reluctant to investigate it.
Glasman said including an inquiry as an amendment to an education bill was a mistake. “This needs to be a clear call from the government.”
Farage called it a “rifle shot.” Glasman prefers “show trials.”
“Do you find, as I find, that the cover-ups seem almost as obscene as the crimes, because it’s the trusted elements of society?” Farage asked. “It’s social services. It’s police. If we can’t trust these people…”
“And it’s ministers as well,” Glasman added.
“This is the reality,” Glasman said. “The reluctance to fully face up to the disgusting things that have been happening in our society. There needs to be an exorcism.”
Glasman suggested that Prime Minister Keir Starmer might back an independent probe given the reaction to the vote that killed an inquiry. “Softer voices” have said “it’s a reasonable thing to have a specific inquiry.… Things are on the move.”
Continued Glasman:
Our only concern … has to be with the redemption of the lives of the victims, the exposure of the people who covered it up. That’s all. This is too disgusting and too horrible to get involved in party politics.… I don’t want to call it a limited inquiry. I want to call it a real inquiry.… A specific thing into the systematic sexual abuse of working class girls throughout out country by predatory rape gangs.
This has got to be brought out and actually be exposed.
Blue Labour: “Basic Answers” Needed
Glasman’s reference to exposing the scandal refers to the cops’ years-long effort to hide the crimes. They even went as far as arresting fathers who tried to protect their daughters from the Pakistani rapists.
Cops told one father they would arrest him for being a “racist” if he complained about it, and they arrested another man when he went to the rape den where the Pakistanis had his daughter.
A third account came from a grandfather. A woman in Rotherham called police to report screams from a nearby resident. Cops found two girls with seven Pakistani men. One was naked and drunk. Cops arrested her, and she was convicted of drunk and disorderly. They didn’t ask why two young girls were with seven adult Pakistanis.
“Our view is that whipping MPs into voting against a national inquiry is a mistake that we will come to regret,” Blue Labour wrote on X:
This story is not going anywhere. The dam has broken — at long last.…
We still do not have answers to the most basic questions about this horror, including the number of victims, the identities of all the perpetrators, and the names of those in positions of power and authority who are responsible for covering up or otherwise enabling this abuse.
Blue Labour noted, as did Glasman, that the victims were working-class girls. And they “were too often dismissive, disbelieving or outright hostile to working-class people.”
Too often officials doubted their credibility because they were teenagers, the faction continued:
And they were white victims of men of mostly Pakistani origin, in an institutional culture that was terrified of being accused of racism and seemed more interested in ‘managing community relations’ than robust and impartial policing.
We are still a long way from justice. A full national inquiry would be a start.
That followed a Blue Labour official statement on the gangs.
“For many of us in Blue Labour, the left’s inability to face up to the awful reality of the organised grooming and rape of young girls by men of mostly Pakistani origin across English towns severed our faith in progressive politics for good,” the party wrote:
In the face of this reality, progressives denied, obfuscated, equivocated, averted their eyes, changed the subject. Anything but look the dark side of multiculturalism squarely in the eye.
Too many are still doing that today when they immediately pivot to talking about the far-right or Elon Musk. But this is not about them, and nor is it about the prime minister. It is about the victims and their families, and the failures at every level which enabled their abuse.
Leftists who tried to expose the scandal “were told to shut up.”
“In liberal society it is still seen as impolite to talk about such things,” the party continued:
The truth is so horrific it is scarcely believable and it confounds the progressive imagination. But this squeamishness is moral cowardice and it continues to this day.
Musk, GB News Reopened Scandal
The trouble for Labour began when Elon Musk retweeted GB News’s Charlie Peters, who posted a thread about the rape gangs on January 1. News reports in 2011 showed that Pakistani Muslims were grooming and gang raping girls in Rotherham, and years later, a report showed that cops covered up the crimes for fear of being called “racist.”
But now, the scandal has gone viral.
Apparently, the far-left mainstream media has learned it must report the facts about Pakistanis.
“Pakistanis are up to four times more likely to be responsible for child sex grooming offences reported to police than the general population, previously unreleased data suggest,” The Telegraph reported today.