U.S. and British taxpayers are funding brutal forced sterilizations and a growing network of appalling “camps” in India through foreign-aid programs and even the World Bank, according to human rights activists and news reports. But as the scandal surrounding the controversial population-control campaign grows with an Indian Supreme Court investigation into the matter, governments are publicly distancing themselves from the program.
Citing dubious United Nations theories about “climate change,” population-reduction fanatics — especially in the West — have been working fiendishly around the world for decades to scale back the number of humans. Their methods include everything from promoting abortion and contraception to developing sterilization programs targeting poor women in particular. And the barbarity is largely being bankrolled by taxpayers and elite donors in the U.S. and the United Kingdom.
According to recent reports, the foreign-aid “family planning” money is being used by Indian authorities to forcibly sterilize Indians using outright deception or even coercion. In some cases, authorities coerce families into consent by threatening to withhold food or other essentials. Sometimes the victims are bribed using Western tax money without being told what the procedures really accomplish — let alone the risks.
The consequences, meanwhile, have included numerous bleeding deaths from botched operations, miscarriages, infections, and long-term health problems for the victims, according to reports from around India. Generally poverty-stricken and under-educated people — who often hail from lower “castes” and do not even have a chance to object — are targeted for the barbaric treatment.
“I tell you they treat them not as human beings, but as cattle or goats,” Human Rights Law Network activist Devika Biswas told the National Catholic Register after filing a petition about the matter with the nation’s Supreme Court. “They just cut and take out veins. They were bleeding profusely. It is butchery.”
Last month, activists including Biswas submitted video evidence and sworn affidavits by victims showing that population-control officials were completely out of control. Consider, for example, the story of just one night at one sterilization camp in the Indian state of Bihar: More than 50 poor women were allegedly rounded up and sterilized in wildly unsanitary conditions by unqualified “medical staff.”
A video of the tragedy presented to the court showed all of the women crying out in pain after having been quickly sterilized that night by staff using a flashlight for illumination. Nobody came to help the writhing victims. One pregnant woman even lost her unborn baby to the procedure. The court gave state and national authorities two months to respond to the charges, according to news reports about the case.
“All of them are forced,” Biswas was quoted as saying. “Generally, the people in the village are very simple. They are very poor. Some of them married at the age of 12 or 13. They do not know what it means. They are told it will be good for them. They are not told it will make them permanently unable to bear children. No risks are explained to them.”
According to reports, a perverse system of incentives helps the system mass-sterilize countless victims. Doctors, for instance, are paid bonuses if they operate on more than a certain number of people per day. So-called “motivators,” who go out in search of hapless prey for the schemes, are also rewarded based on how many people they can round up for the procedures.
India, of course, has around 1.2 billion people; and that is despite a brutal and coercive mass-sterilization campaign from the 1970s that was only “halted” after massive riots broke out and forced the government to back down. But for Western elites convinced that people are bad — either for the “environment” or the “climate” — the number is still way too high.
“They’re using bad science, outdated theories of population and an unproven theory about climate change to justify real harm to real people in real time,” explained Population Research Institute chief Steven Mosher, noting that elitists have long used a wide range of largely bogus crises to justify barbaric eugenics campaigns around the world. And it is still going on today from Asia and Africa to Latin America – often with subsidies extracted from Western taxpayers at the behest of shadowy senior policy makers.
In the U.K., which once ruled over India as its colonial master, the Department for International Development (DFID) gave a grant totaling more than $250 million in 2005 to the so-called “Reproductive Child and Health Program.” The scheme was supposed to offer “family planning” services to Indian women – and sterilization is by far the most common “service” provided under the plan.
The U.K. government, of course, responded to the recent scandal over forced sterilizations by denying that taxpayers were funding it. “British aid has not been used for forced sterilization now or in the past,” a DFID spokesperson claimed in a recent statement, though an official with the department later told the Wall Street Journal that tax funds were indeed being used for “voluntary” sterilizations.
“The government of India has strict guidelines for quality of family-planning services, which include ensuring consent,” the statement alleged, apparently oblivious to the reality on the ground. “The program started in 2006 under the last government. Support will end completely next year.”
Though critics have said the population-control scheme smacks of racism and neo-colonialism, one of the project’s stated goals was to slash India’s fertility rate, supposedly to deal with “climate change.” And the program could be considered a stunning success — at least in terms of its designers’ goals.
According to a government report cited by the U.K. Guardian, some 500,000 Indians were sterilized in 2008 alone. Experts say the true figure is much higher. About half of India’s 26 state governments, meanwhile, have reportedly already achieved compliance with a controversial UN dictate seeking to restrict population to two children per mother. And a “National Family Health Survey” cited by the Global Post reported that some 37 percent of Indian women have undergone sterilization so far. The rest are apparently still in the crosshairs.
American taxpayers have also contributed to the controversial programs. In recent years, for example, the U.S. government distributed well over $20 million in taxpayer funds per year just to sponsor “family planning” and “reproductive health” programs in India. But like British officials, American authorities involved in the scheme attempted to downplay the growing scandal as well.
“USAID programs provide technical support to improve family planning information and services,” a spokesman for the agency was quoted as saying, alleging that the program was committed to improving the health of vulnerable Indians. “USAID assistance has helped improve maternal health and reduced infant mortality across India.”
Despite the platitudes about helping Indians, however, analysts say something much more sinister is going on. Consider the fact that at the highest levels of the Obama administration are people like “Science Czar” John Holdren, who suggested controlling population by forced abortions and secret drugging administered by a “planetary regime” in his highly controversial book “Ecoscience.”
Decades ago, senior officials were on the same page. Under the leadership of top establishment figure Henry Kissinger, for instance, the U.S. National Security Council outlined widely criticized official policies to curb population growth among the poor in the infamous “Memorandum 200.” Citing dubious theories about alleged overpopulation, the report proposed a massive global campaign that included propaganda, contraception, the use of food for coercion, and more. India was one of the top targets.
Like in Communist China, where the regime enforces a brutal “one-child policy” by forced abortion if necessary, India has a growing gender imbalance resulting in far more men than women. The consequences will be rough, according to experts. But Western elites — apparently undeterred by the tragedies and despair caused by the “population control” they promote at taxpayer expense — show no signs of scaling back support for the brutality.
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Photo: In this Feb. 4, 2011 photo, patients get registered for a “free sterilization” procedure at the Mohan Lal Gautam District Women’s Hospital in Aligarh, India. : AP Images