Left-wing journalist Glenn Greenwald has resigned from The Intercept, the publication he helped found, because it will not pursue the Hunter Biden e-mail scandal.
Greenwald delivered the news at Substack and on Tucker Carlson’s program. Yet he quit not just because The Intercept won’t pursue stories about Biden, Inc. He quit because it won’t publish his story about the Bidens Boys’ shady activities through the past few years.
And Greenwald has uttered two important truths. The Deep State has been trying to derail the Trump administration since before Trump was inaugurated, and the media’s zeal to defeat Trump next week is such that they have become an arm of the Biden campaign.
The mainstream media have buried the story to help Biden.
Resignation Letter
The nut of Greenwald’s complaint, he wrote at Substack, is that “The Intercept’s editors, in violation of my contractual right of editorial freedom, censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all New-York-based Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.”
Continued Greenwald:
The censored article, based on recently revealed emails and witness testimony, raised critical questions about Biden’s conduct. Not content to simply prevent publication of this article at the media outlet I co-founded, these Intercept editors also demanded that I refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication.
Speaking to Fox talker Carlson, Greenwald explained why he founded The Intercept. His goal was to provide a place for unvarnished reporting about governments and “power centers.” Journalists would publish stories without “pull[ing]” punches” or “pay[ing] homage to pieties because of the partisan or ideological preferences of editors or anyone else.”
But the editors tried to “intervene to censor me six days before an election because I wanted to publish reporting and analysis about the evidence that raises serious questions about the conduct of the candidate that all the editors at that outlet vehemently enthusiastically support.”
That candidate, of course, is Joe Biden.
Greenwald said The Intercept and other outlets are repeating the debunked conspiracy theory that the e-mails are “Russian disinformation,” and ignoring the truth that no one, including the Bidens, actually disputes the authenticity of the e-mails.
But then Greenwald explained what was really at work in The Intercept’s move to protect Biden. The publication he founded to expose the Deep State is now its handmaiden:
This is the real story the last four years of the Trump Administration, which is that for a long time on the left there was healthy skepticism of the CIA. There was a lot of anti-war activism in the Bush-Cheney years. That has all disappeared … because the CIA from the very first days of the Trump Administration, even before he was inaugurated, devoted themselves to sabotaging the administration because Donald Trump questioned just a few of their pieties, and that can’t be done in Washington. Whoever does that must be destroyed, and so the CIA and the Deep State operatives became heroes of the liberal-left, the people who support the Democratic Party.
They are now in a full union with the neocons, the Bush-Cheney operatives, the CIA, Silicon Valley and Wall Street. That is the union of power along with mainstream media outlets that are fully behind the Democratic Party, which is likely to at least take over one branch of government if not all of them in the coming election. And that is a very alarming proposition because they’re authoritarian, and they believe in censorship, and they believe in suppression of information that exposes them in any kind of a critical light.
Unanswered Questions
And so Greenwald took his story to Substack.
The lengthy article exposes the leftist media’s suppression of the Hunter Biden e-mail scandal in detail. “That it is irresponsible and even unethical to mention these documents,” Greenwald wrote, “became a pervasive view in mainstream journalism.”
A tweet from NPR’s public editor rationalized that outlet’s dereliction of duty this way:
We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories. And we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are pure distractions.
Greenwald also listed the other big-name journalists who have helped bury the story, such as CBS’s Leslie Stahl and CNN’s Christine Amanpour, then explained why, again in detail, the “Russian disinformation” narrative is false. Not a shred of evidence supports the claim, as even Deep Staters admitted after they slyly suggested it.
Greenwald’s point is this: A mountain of written evidence and other testimony connect the Democrat presidential candidate to his son’s suspiciously lucrative business deals across the globe.
But the leftist media and Deep State operatives are collaborating to suppress that evidence to get rid of their common enemy in the White House.