Vote Fraud? Video Shows Man Stuffing Hundreds of Ballots Into Ballot Box
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Defenders of lax election laws say it rarely happens — but apparently it’s happening again. In what critics describe as a shocking example of likely vote fraud, a surveillance video (see below) from a Maricopa County, Arizona, polling place shows a man stuffing hundreds of ballots into a ballot box.

The act was observed by A.J. LaFaro, chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee, on August 25 while he was stationed at the MCTEC facility at 510 S. Third Avenue in Phoenix during the primary election cycle. Writes the Arizona Daily Independent:

LaFaro recounts that between 12:54 p.m. and 1:04 p.m., he heard a loud thud and turned to see what was going on. “A person wearing a Citizens for a Better Arizona (CBA) t-shirt dropped a large box of hundreds of early ballots on the table and started stuffing the ballot box as I watched in amazement.”

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While sound is not available on the recording LaFaro provides the following account:

Person from CBA: “What’s your problem?”

LaFaro: “I don’t have a problem.”

Person from CBA: “Stop watching me. You’re annoying me.”

… LaFaro: “One of your ballots isn’t sealed.”

Person from CBA: “It’s none of your business. What’s your name?”

LaFaro: “I’m the chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Party. What’s yours?”

Person from CBA: “Go [f***] yourself. I don’t have to tell you who I am.”

After the man was mostly done with his ballot stuffing, he began taking pictures, which were images of ballots “that he staged in the slot of the ballot box. He then hid behind the ballot box and table as he slipped the unsealed ballot [mentioned earlier] into his brief and left,” the paper reports LaFaro as saying. The man is then seen on the video leaving the building and subsequently returning to drop the ballot into the box. As he left for good he said to LaFaro, “Go f*** yourself, gringo.”

Not surprisingly, LaFaro describes the CBA operative as “a vulgar, disrespectful, violent thug that has no respect for our laws.” “I would have followed him to the parking lot to take down his tag number, but I feared for my life,” said LaFaro.

The next day he visited four other polling locations, where he observed poll workers doing nothing and heard about “ballot parties,” events at which activists collect large numbers of ballots from people so they can “vote them illegally,” as LaFaro put it.

And what’s the nature of CBA? American Thinker’s Thomas Lifson weighs in, writing, “Citizens for a Better Arizona appears to be a left wing organization, hiding behind the usual bland rhetoric.” Its website tells us that it is “a predominantly volunteer driven organization of Republicans, Democrats and Independents committed to improving the quality of life of all Arizonans — better schools, better health care, better jobs, better government and a better, more civil tone of respect and decency when it comes to solving Arizona’s problems.” But, reports Lifson, “[H]ere are some of the stories highlighted on its [CBA’s] “news” page”:



But CBA isn’t the only player in the vote-fraud game. Just today, activist James O’Keefe, the Founder and President of Project Veritas who is famous for exposing ACORN voter-registration fraud and corruption at Planned Parenthood, released new undercover footage revealing serious problems with the electoral system in Colorado. Reports John Fund at National Review:

When he [O’Keefe] raised the issue of filling out some of the unused ballots that are mailed to every household in the state this month, he was told by Meredith Hicks, the director of Work for Progress, a liberal group funded by Democratic Super PACS: “That is not even like lying or something, if someone throws out a ballot, like if you want to fill it out you should do it.” She then brazenly offered O’Keefe, disguised as a middle-aged college instructor, a job with her group.

The video of O’Keefe’s encounters with other operatives is equally disturbing.  He has a conversation with Greenpeace employee Christina Topping, and suggests he might have access to unused ballots from people who have recently moved out of college fraternity houses. “I mean it is putting the votes to good use,” she responds. “So really, truly, like yeah, that is awesome.”

And some government officials warn that this is the inevitable result of Colorado’s practice of automatically mailing ballots to every single state resident. Quoting Colorado secretary of state Scott Gessler, Fund reports:

“Sending ballots to people who did not even ask for them or have moved out of state is asking for trouble” he told me. For example, little can stop someone who collects discarded ballots from trash cans, fills out the ballots, and mails them in. Election workers are supposed to compare signatures on registration records with signed ballots. But if a person has a “witness” who signs the ballot on the witness line, then the signatures do not have to match and the vote is counted.

Unfortunately, vote fraud is extremely difficult to ferret out and prosecute, and our electoral standards make it easy to perpetrate (some would say by design). Note that when United Nations observers came to the United States to monitor the 2012 election, they were shocked that many states didn’t require voter identification. As Breitbart’s Awr Hawkins wrote in 2012:

This enables an Islamist who wants to continue to see our military weakened to cross in from Mexico, show up at a voting booth in Florida, give his name as John Smith and help swing that election to the .5% margin of victory for Obama. Or it allows any number of the 1,000,000 illegal immigrants Obama gave de facto amnesty to earlier this year to walk into voting booths in Ohio and provide names and fake address and then vote to give Obama the 1.9% margin of victory with which he carried that state.

This practice of “surrogate voting” is nothing new and appears rampant, as I reported in 2005 in “Democrats and Deep Vote Fraud” citing exclusive information provided by a Washington, D.C., community leader who conducted his own vote-fraud investigation. Note that Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats have consistently opposed voter-identification laws — with the Department of Justice often suing states that enact them — claiming they’re “racist” measures that suppress the minority vote. This is despite the fact that one needs to show identification to buy alcohol; open a bank account; apply for food stamps, welfare, social security, or unemployment — or to visit the White House. It’s also despite Obama’s support for a voter-identification program in Kenya.

The difference, some critics would point out, is that our leftist politicians don’t have to steal votes in Kenya to gain power. And the result is that U.S. elections may reflect the Third World more than many Third World elections do. As A.J. LaFaro lamented, “America used to be a nation of laws where one person had one vote. I’m sad to say, not anymore.”