Medical choice is essential for individual sovereignty. That’s why Health Choice Maine has been fighting to influence the legislature and reshape vaccine policies to prohibit vaccine mandates, ensure medical and religious exemptions, and promote accountability. The organization has also been providing crucial legal help to Mainers affected by unjust and unsafe medical practices and products and those trying to navigate the complicated legal landscape on medical issues.

In this interview with The New American, Tiffany Kreck, the executive director of Health Choice Maine, discusses the mission and some of the founding principles of the organization. The latter include the urgent need for awareness of the new childhood epidemics of autism, language delays, allergies, diabetes, and obesity. The conditions are on the rise, yet the corrupt medical establishment and regulators chose to turn a blind eye to that, as addressing these issues would undermine the agenda of overmedicating children and adults. Another principle is the safety of medical interventions, which is built on the idea of zero side effects. As idealistic as it sounds, the philosophy of zero harm would ensure the continuous improvement of medical products and shift the focus of medicine from disease management to prevention. Finally, the organization is advocating for rebalancing human relations with nature and technology towards a more holistic approach to wellness. While technological progress has benefited us in numerous wonderful ways, there are numerous technologies that, along with promises of further progress, pose tremendous risks that are yet to be fully understood. Those include, for example, artificial intelligence (AI), gene editing (CRISPR), and brain chips.

Ms. Kreck offers multiple solutions to addressing the issues at hand, such as prohibiting lobbying, closing the revolving door between the regulatory agencies and Pharma, reforming the education system to focus on developing basic scientific skills and critical thinking in children, and repealing the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, among other measures.

To learn more about Health Choice Maine, please click here.