According to the Biden administration, the economy is growing by leaps and bounds and any grumbling about it is election-year MAGA propaganda. The latest BLS jobs report supports the White House narrative. But the truth is the opposite of what the government-sponsored report indicates. We look at a far more accurate gauge to assess the true nature of the economy, the ADP report.   

Other stories in this episode: 

@ 11:55 | TNA’s Rebecca Terrell interviewed a charter bus driver who transported a bus full of migrants from Texas to Denver. Terrell discuss what she learned; 

@ 22:45 | A coalition of groups and individuals are suing to stop water fluoridation everywhere in the United States. Among the groups’ concerns is that fluoride has toxic effects on young developing brains; 

@ 34:10 | John Birch Society Field Resource Creator Evan Mulch discusses the latest attack on The John Birch Society by a propagandist posing as a historian. 


Read “Solving the Debt Crisis”

Watch The Real Agenda Behind Biden-backed Border Invasion

Learn more why the United States needs to End the Fed HERE