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NewAmerican Video

Trade Promotion Authority

VIDEO - Christian Gomez talks on the upcoming vote by Congress on whether or not to give the President Trade Promotion Authority, which...

Are our Rights “God Given?”

VIDEO - CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo stated that our rights are not "God given," but in fact "come from man." Christian Gomez pulls...

Wayne Hoffman – Idaho Freedom Foundation

VIDEO - Idaho Freedom Foundation's President Wayne Hoffman sits down with Bill Jasper to discuss the importance of keeping the public educated regarding...

Ways to Restore Medical Liberty

VIDEO - Colin Gunn, documentary director, talks about methods and avenues the United States can take to restore medical liberty in America. ...

The UN Grabs for Internet Control

VIDEO - The United Nations held it's 9th Internet Governance Forum this year in Turkey. Bill Jasper reports on the UN's ultimate goal...

Celebrity Global-warming Hypocrisy

VIDEO - In June of this 2014, Bloomberg released a new report, “Risky Business: The Economic Risk of Climate Change.” Bloomberg is just...

Feds 2014 Jackson Hole Confab

VIDEO - Expect the European Central Bank to take a page from the Federal Reserve in the near future. Bill Jasper reports specifically...