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NewAmerican Video

China and the New World Order

As China emerges from a primitive economy to an advanced economy, it now requires raw materials to create more finished products. This places...

Big Tech Censorship

Big Tech censorship is in full swing! It’s time to bypass those that want to censor free speech and information. Get our uncensored...

US Media Compromised by Communist China

In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the fact that America's establishment media organs are compromised by the...

Eerie Parallels Between US & Venezuela

In this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman, Venezuela-born philosopher and law expert Carlos Casanova outlines the eerie parallels between the...

The Energy Mafia

American politicians have long been sabotaging America’s energy industry due to the bribes of foreign countries. With Biden canceling the Keystone pipeline and...

ChiComs Buying Up U.S. Political System

In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman explains that Communist China's ruthless party state is buying up America's political...

Fewer Cops Means More Crime

In this interview with The New American magazine’s C. Mitchell Shaw, Lt. Bob Kroll, President of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis, discusses...

Triggering a Second Civil War?

Is the Political Left purposely trying to trigger a second Civil War? Whether this is consciously happening or not, a lot of the...