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NewAmerican Video

Kicking Away the Ladder Part 4

In our on-going series, ‘Kicking Away the Ladder,’ we explore various ways in which the elites rig the system so that they stay...

Kicking Away the Ladder Part 3

In our continuing series on how the elites “kick away the ladder,” so that ordinary people cannot replicate their success, we present how...

Mandatory Vaccines Coming Soon?

The Deep State wants desperately to force the experimental COVID injections on everyone, and more significant mandates may be just around the corner,...

God and the Constitution

All political ideologies are underpinned by a metaphysical belief-system. Our Constitution (and its notion of individual rights) is predicated on some notion of...

“Vaccine Police” Strike Back in Alabama

Citing the Alabama Constitution and laws, “Vaccine Police” figure Christopher Key found success against vaccine mandates and face masks in public schools in...