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NewAmerican Video

Cruz’ing for a Bruisin’

Senator Ted Cruz referred to the Constitutional right to petition the government for grievances as “a terrorist act” and framed American citizens as...

How I Became Anti-Abortion

Like many women in America, I grew up pro-choice, believing it was “my body, my choice.” It wasn’t until I became pregnant from...


A “timocracy” is a form of government whereby a property ownership requirement is attached to the ability to vote or hold office. See...

Fighting for Life

Heather Hobbs, and activist for life Eileen Escalante, discuss the deep need to fight for all lives. In a time when a culture...

Mother Believes Son Was Murdered by the CCP

Heather Hobbs interviews Mary Todd, a Republican Congressional candidate in Montana, who discusses the dangers relating to China. She became involved in politics...

Stars We Lost in 2021

We wish to commemorate some of the stars we lost in 2021. DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Daniel Natal Show are...