Europe’s largest circulation newspaper, Germany’s Bild, obtained German military documents saying that a war between Russia and NATO could erupt as soon as next month and warning that Germany needs to be war-ready. Meanwhile, Britain’s defense minister predicted this week that 2024 will be a major “inflection point,” and that “In five years’ time, we could be looking at multiple theatres of war including Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.” 

Other stories in today’s show: 

@ 11:43 | The Supreme Court is hearing cases that could wind up reducing or stripping regulatory agencies’ rule-making powers; 

@ 22:53 | The mainstream media is having a meltdown over a report about how hot it was last summer; 

@ 33:02 | John Birch Society CEO Bill Hahn discusses how Americans can defeat Agenda 2030 once and for all. 


Read “Swedes Told to ‘Prepare for War.'”

Read “Italy Calls for ‘European Army.'”

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