Charity Barry, a rising young conservative star, discusses her race against socialist Democrat U.S. Representative Mark Pocan of Wisconsin’s 2nd congressional district. Barry calls out Congressman Pocan for his unashamed association with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and his support for Biden’s costly “Build Back Better” bill. Of Biden and Congressional Democrat’s attempt to retroactively ratify the already-expired “Equal Rights Amendment” (ERA) to the U.S. Constitution, Barry states, “The time has passed.”

Describing herself as a “thankful product of homeschooling,” Barry seeks to defund the federal Department of Education and stop using federal funds to coerce states into complying with Common Core and other unconstitutional education initiatives imposed by the federal government. “I believe in the power of the classroom and [that] what is taught there should be brought out of D.C. and back to the local-level and into the hands of the parents,” Barry tells The New American. She also expresses support for abolishing the federal Department of Education.