Who’s responsible for the surging prices that we are now enduring from the gas pump to the grocery store? Joe Biden claims that his policies are helping to tame inflation and that the real culprit is Putin — and even Trump. That, of course, is ludicrous. In this episode of “Beyond the Cover,” host Gary Benoit interviews Charles Scaliger, who wrote the cover story “Biden’s Price Hike” in the May 30, 2022 issue of The New American magazine. Scaliger, an American academic now living in East Asia, notes that although the current price inflation is not totally Biden’s fault, his crippling regulatory policies have done much to cause prices to go up. He points out, for instance, that after the United States was able to achieve energy independence during the Trump administration, Biden almost overnight made the United States dependent on foreign sources once again through his executive decrees. Scaliger also explains how big-spending measures pushed by Biden and passed by Congress are ramping up huge debts that the Federal Reserve is financing by creating money out of thin air, diminishing the value of the dollar and causing prices to rise.

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