Daily Mail Catches Omar and Campaign Consultant Shacked Up in D.C.

Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), the hate-Trump Muslim congresswoman, has provided more evidence that she and her campaign have repeatedly violated federal election law in sending enormous sums of money to her boyfriend’s political consulting company.

The payments are, ostensibly, for campaign work. But a major investigation by the Daily Mail shows that Omar and Democrat strategist Tim Mynett are shacked up in D.C., despite denials of a romance that wrecked both their marriages.

In other words, she might not only be illegally enriching her main squeeze with the payments, but also self-dealing because she too benefits given their romance.

Aside from the violation of federal campaign-finance law, however, the photos show that Omar is likely committing a capital crime under Islamic law: adultery.

That doesn’t quite square with the Somali refugee’s outward sign of devotion to Islam — the wide variety of headscarves she wears on the floor of the House of Representatives — and instead suggests she takes something of a heterodox approach to her faith.

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The Photos
The British newspaper staked out the Muslim congresswoman’s apartment to get the photos that show both have lied in denying an affair. Multiple photos show Mynett entering the congresswoman’s love pad, although the two always enter and depart at different times. Another photo shows Omar hopping into Mynett’s sleek blue Mustang.

Reported the Mail, “Omar and Mynett are not only dating, but living together ‘on and off’ at a secret DC apartment, while plotting romantic vacations to Jamaica and making plans for a long-term future together.”

As well, the “the pair are careful not to be seen entering and leaving the rented digs at the same time but they spent at least six nights together in September, including Thursday, September 20 into Friday, September 21.”

“Neither of them are fooling anyone,” a “well-placed source” told the Mail.

“Right now they are more or less living together whenever she is in DC,” the source continued. “They say they travel as business associates when they are staying in the same hotel rooms. They are even planning a romantic vacation at Christmas.”

As well, the source said, “the suspicion is that when their divorces are finalized they will quietly decide to make it official. Maybe then the lies, the hypocrisy, all the sneaking around will finally come to an end.”

Cash to Mynett’s Consultancy
That’s a problem for Omar and Mynett, and not just because both denied the affair, or that Omar’s marital past is controversial itself. Credible evidence suggests she married her brother to commit immigration fraud before she married the man she’s dumping for Mynett.

Rather, Omar’s big problem now is the cash connection between her campaign and Mynett’s E Street Group. Federal Election Commission records show that Omar’s congressional campaign, Ilhan for Congress, has paid Mynett’s E Street Group hundreds of thousands of dollars in consulting fees.

Those fees are the subject of a complaint to the FEC from the National Legal and Policy Center, which alleges that the payments are illegal if they are really a means to enrich Mynett.

Last week, the Washington Free Beacon revealed that Omar’s campaign paid E Street $150,000 in the third quarter of 2019. The Free Beacon noted that E Street was by far the campaign’s largest vendor. It collected one-third of the campaign’s disbursements.

The suspicious nature of the payments arose because of Mynett’s divorce case. His jilted spouse, Beth, alleges that Mynett admitted the affair in April, and that “defendant’s more recent travel and long work hours now appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than with his actual work commitments, averaging 12 days per month away from home over the past year.”

Adultery a Stoning Offense
Aside from violating campaign law and filing illegal joint tax returns however, the African immigrant faces another potential problem.

She claims to be a devout Muslim, yet is trysting with a man who is still married to another woman.

Unlawful sexual intercourse in Islam, known as zina, is a capital crime. The penalty for Omar’s transgression is 100 lashes and stoning to death.

She might also be committing a less-serious offense, the photos show. The Mail caught Mynett entering the Somali refugee’s love nest with a six pack of Stella Artois, a Belgian lager. If Omar is tipping a few with Mynett, she is violating the Islamic prohibition on khamr, or intoxicating substances.

The punishment for that crime, between 40 and 80 lashes, has been carried out in Iran and Pakistan.

How Omar’s forbidden romance will play with the hard-line Muslims in her Fifth District of Minneapolis, Minnesota, the terrorist recruiting capital of the United States, remains to be seen.

Photo: AP Images