NY Post: Omar’s Consultant Denies Affair; Her Husband Wants Divorce

Two more developments have surfaced in the case of Representative Ilhan Omar’s mysterious marital history and, court papers allege, extra-marital high jinks.

The man with whom the Minnesota congresswoman is accused of having an affair, left-wing political consultant Tim Mynett, denies it in court papers. Yet Omar’s husband, Ahmed Hirsi, isn’t so sure, and now wants to divorce the Muslim refugee.

Those two reports in the New York Post follow last week’s allegations, which Omar denied, that Mynett’s jilted wife, Beth, leveled in divorce papers.

Those in turn led to allegations that Omar’s campaign trespassed federal regulations with travel reimbursements to Mynett’s consulting firm.

Affair Denied
Mynett’s troubles began when his wife accused him of an affair with Omar, who is, supposedly, a strict Muslim. To signify that strong faith, she adorns herself with headgear of various types on the floor the House of Representatives.

Beth Mynett said her husband abandoned their marriage and their son to spend his time canoodling with Omar, and included the accusation that “his extensive travel and long work hours … appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than with his actual work commitments, averaging 12 days per month away from home over the past year.”

That claim invited the charge, filed with the Federal Election Commission, that Omar’s campaign paid Mynett’s consultancy nearly $250,000 for something other than real campaign work.

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But Mynett, the Post reported yesterday, denies the affair, and says his wife is out to get him.

“Since the time of Mr. Mynett’s departure from the marital home,” he claims in court papers, “Ms. Mynett began a negative campaign against Mr. Mynett, seemingly in an effort to ruin his career and permanently damage his relationship with William and his step-daughter.”

As well, the Post reported, “Mynett, 38, claims his wife, 55, pressured him into getting married in 2012 after the birth of their son William in 2006 and said the unhappy marriage broke down because of their different parenting styles.”

Mynett also claims his wife, a high-powered doctor, was a big spender who “insisted on making expensive and unnecessary renovations to their Washington, DC, home.”

The marriage, he claims, was a “rollercoaster of highs and lows.”

“By April 2019, after months of unsuccessfully working to convince himself the marriage was salvagable, Mr. Mynett informed Ms. Mynett that he was unable to continue their marriage,” the court papers read, confirming their April 7 split.

“Mr. Mynett denies that he told Ms. Mynett he was leaving the marriage for Representative Ilhan Omar (‘Rep. Omar’) or that he was in love with her.”

Mynett also denied that his work-related travel was related to a romantic relationship with Omar.

Maybe, but the timing of Mynett’s departure from his failing marriage and the influx of campaign money, $70,000 since the Mynetts’ split, don’t look good.

Omar’s Husband Calling It Quits?
One person who apparently agrees with that assessment is Omar’s husband, Ahmed Hirsi.

He’s “poised to file for divorce,” the Post reported. The Muslim couple split in March and Omar asked for a divorce. “Hirsi refused, telling her if she wanted a divorce she should do it herself, said the source, who has known both parties for 20 years.”

But then Beth Mynett launched her legal cruise missile. The source told the Post that Hirsi is angry because Omar made him look ridiculous.

Omar denied the affair, yet the separation occurred, the Post reported, “around the same time she was spotted having dinner with Mynett at a California restaurant — with Omar moving into a luxury condo in downtown Minneapolis and their split an ‘open secret’ in town, the source said.”

Their home “appears to be abandoned with the curtains drawn and cobwebs growing over the front porch when a Post reporter visited last week.”

Hirsi, who works for a city councilman in Minneapolis, is “bouncing between friends’ houses and stays at the luxury condo when Omar isn’t in town, with the kids also spending time with a grandfather, the source said.”

Photo: AP Images