Senator Kamala Harris is running for president.
The Californian announced her candidacy on Good Morning America, and chose Martin Luther King day to let us know, she said, to honor the man, who was a plagiarist, adulterer, and phony Christian.
Harris, 54, is California’s former attorney general and the child of immigrants who came to the United States to pursue lucrative careers despite this country’s being just about the most racist, awful country on Earth, according to Harris.
And despite how racist and awful it still is — at least to hear Harris and her Democrat comrades tell it — she has somehow risen to power in the U.S. Senate and become a serious contender for the presidency.
GMA and the Video Announcement
Harris explained to GMA viewers why she chose the King holiday to announce. “The thing about Dr. King that always inspires me is that he was aspirational,” she said. “He was aspirational like our country is aspirational. We know that we’ve not yet reached those ideals. But our strength is that we fight to reach those ideals. So today, the day we celebrate Dr. King, is a very special day for all of us as Americans and I’m honored to be able to make my announcement on the day we commemorate him.”
Some of us aren’t celebrating King, but at any rate, she put it this way in her maiden campaign video:
Truth. Justice Decency. Equality. Freedom, Democracy. These aren’t just words. They’re the values that we as Americans cherish and they’re all on the line now, The future of our country depends on you and millions of others lifting our voices to fight for our American values…. I’m running to lift those voices, to bring our voices together.
Despite her disarming good looks and soothing voice, Harris is a vicious ideologue who takes particular pleasure in attacking white men who appear before her committee.
Harris vs. Kavanaugh
An abortion extremist, Harris lied about Kavanaugh’s testimony during his confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Kavanaugh had answered a question from Sen. Ted Cruz about Priests for Life vs. United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the lawsuits filed to overturn the unconstitutional contraception mandate in the equally unconstitutional Affordable Care Act. The mandate forced even Catholic employers to provide birth control, including abortifacients, to employees via corporate health insurance.
Testified Kavanaugh:
[Priests for Life] was being forced to provide a certain kind of health coverage over their religious objection to their employees, and under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first, was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise? And it seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form, in that case with — that — they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were — as a religious matter, objected to.
Democrats immediately claimed the argument from Priests for Life was Kavanaugh’s own opinion on birth control; i.e., that Kavanaugh believed all contraceptives are abortifacients.
Harris joined that Democratic mob and tweeted out a video missing the key words “they said.” Kavanaugh’s confirmation, she wrote, was about “punishing women.”
Harris earned four Pinocchios from the Washington Post’s fact checker.
Harris vs. ICE
The candidate who touts “truth” as a “value” also lied about Immigration and Customs Enforcement when one of its officials appeared before the Judiciary Committee in December.
Harris repeatedly asked the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Ronald Vitiello whether he understood that some “communities” view ICE as no better than the Ku Klux Klan.
Harris castigated Vitiello for calling the Democratic Party “neo-Klanist,” a comment for which Vitiello apologized. Using part of Vitiello’s answer — the Klan uses “fear and force to change the political environment” — Harris falsely claimed that ICE used Klan-like tactics to enforce the country’s immigration laws.
“It’s Going To Be Ugly”
Harris joins the self-identified (but) fake Indian Senator Elizabeth Warren and former Obama official Julián Castro in the race for the Democratic nomination.
In December, when discussing the possibility of a run, Harris said the campaign won’t be a nice one. “Let’s be honest. It’s going to be ugly,” Harris said. “When you break things, it is painful. And you get cut. And you bleed.”
What Harris plans on breaking, we are not given to know. But if her past is her prologue, one can predict the usual left-wing program.
Harris is a leftist totalitarian, an anti-gun, pro-abortion, open-borders Democrat.
So yeah, it’s going to be ugly.
Photo of Kamala Harris: InSapphoWeTrust via Wikimedia