Top U.S. Communist Boasts That Party “Utilizes” Democrats
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Communist Party USA boss John Bachtell boasted in a recent column that his Marxist-Leninist organization, a tentacle of the Soviet regime in America for decades, “utilizes” the increasingly radical Democratic Party to advance its totalitarian objectives in the United States. Writing in the Communist Party propaganda mouthpiece People’s World, Bachtell suggested that, eventually, a “radical third party” would become a viable option to advance communism in America. However, for now, he argued, fending off what he calls the “ultra-right” — essentially anyone to the right of Obama, whom American communists openly backed in both elections — requires the CPUSA to continue utilizing the Democrat Party as a “vehicle.”       

In his column, Bachtell, who was selected last year to serve as the national chair of the Communist Party USA, offers a wide array of arguments for why communists must continue to work through the Democrat Party. For instance, at least in the collectivist communist mind, the Democratic Party is “home” to “African Americans, Latinos, other communities of color, women, most union members, young people,” as well as various “social and democratic movements.” In reality, of course, there are plenty of blacks, Hispanics, women, and young people who boldly reject statism and the extremist Democrats promoting it.

Still, as many Democrats do, Bachtell lumps unique individuals into “constituencies” based on arbitrary characteristics such as melanin content, and declares that the Democratic Party is their “home.” He contrasts that with the GOP and “extreme right-wing elements” such as pro-lifers, climate realists, “right-wing” Christians, the Tea Party, social conservatives, and others, broadly categorized as “ultra-right.” By working with and through the Democrat Party, Bachtell purports to be building the “broadest anti-ultra right alliance possible,” even openly welcoming a “section” of what he describes as “monopoly” capital on Wall Street into the Communist Party war on liberty.

“This necessarily means working with the Democratic Party,” Bachtell explained, adding that some on the Left “underestimate the danger” from the Right and “overestimate” the willingness of “key class and social forces” to leave the Democratic Party right now. “Second, our objective is not to build the Democratic Party. At this stage we are about building the broad people’s movement led by labor that utilizes the vehicle of the Democratic Party to advance its agenda. We are about building the movements around the issues roiling wide sections of people that can help shape election contours and debates.”

Finally, the Communist Party USA participates in what Bachtell referred to as “coalition campaigns” that challenge the “Wall Street wing” of the Democrat Party and “galvanize forces around a progressive agenda, mainly in Democratic primary elections.” Among other examples, he cited “labor activists, progressives, socialists and communists who emerge from movements and run as candidates, backed by broad coalitions.” Having self-declared socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont run within the Democrat presidential primary, for instance, “would help do just this,” he added. Sen. Sanders has said publicly he would decide by March whether to run for the White House in 2016 as a Democrat.

“If the CPUSA is to be a mass political party it must be a mass electoral party, immersed in every aspect of electoral politics and the process toward political independence,” Bachtell continued, explaining to communist lackeys why they must continue to support and infiltrate the Democrat Party to advance more draconian tyranny later on. “Municipal elections are a key arena of battle in 2015…. Clearly, there is an immense amount of electoral activism and movement building that is laying the foundation for the eventual emergence of a mass radical third party.” For now, though, the Democrat Party will be “utilized” as the “vehicle” to advance Communist Party totalitarianism — at least until the “Right” is totally crushed.

Commenting on the explosive but hardly surprising admissions, anti-communist analyst Trevor Loudon, author of The Enemies Within exposing subversion at the highest levels of power in the United States, noted that much could be learned from communist strategy. “The Communist Party often upsets less mature Marxist groups because of their refusal to abandon the Democratic Party, despite not always getting every item on their agenda immediately,” Loudon explained. “As an experienced Communist, John Bachtell understands that in spite of difficulties and disappointments, the Communist Party agenda is far better served by infiltrating the Democrats than by marching in the streets yelling revolutionary slogans.”

As Loudon points out, “the Communist Party and their only marginally less radical Democratic Socialists of America allies can point to real achievements under their ‘friend’ Barack Obama.” From ObamaCare and amnesty for illegal immigrants to the ongoing attacks on the military and restored relations with the mass-murdering communist dictatorship in Havana, numerous CPUSA goals have been advanced through the Democrat Party just in recent years. Of course, the glaring similarities between the positions and policies of the Communist Party USA, the Democrat Party, and the Obama administration have now become fully obvious, at least to anyone who cares to look.

In 2004, for example, the CPUSA platform included, among other elements, demands for “free” healthcare, unrestricted abortion, government-funded education from pre-kindergarten to college, more federal “job” programs for “minorities,” more farm subsidies, a higher minimum wage, a ban on “discrimination” against homosexuals, international treaties to stop “global warming,” and much more. When compared with the Obama agenda that was unleashed upon America beginning in 2008 and that continues to be foisted on an outraged America today via lawless executive decrees — and funding from the GOP Congress — the parallels are impossible to deny.

In fact, comparing U.S. policy today to the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto — government education, progressive income taxes, central bank with monopoly on credit, and much more — key points of the communist agenda have been on the march in the United States for generations. And unsurprisingly, the Communist Party’s affinity for advancing its nightmarish vision of total state control via the Democrat Party goes back decades, too, as summarized and extensively documented in KeyWiki. In 1972, for instance, then CPUSA boss Gus Hall outlined the party’s policy to do precisely that.

“Our electoral policy has for 25 years been expressed in the phrase, ‘the three legs of a stool.’… The stool was constructed at a time when the Party was under sharp attack … a reflection of the Party’s response to the difficulties,” he wrote. “The flexibility was contained in the idea that no one leg of the stool was the main leg. Depending on the political pressures, one could choose a particular leg or legs. In fact the concept was built on the idea that when the other two legs, namely, the Communist Party and the forces of political independence, got strong enough, then and only then would the stool sit on three legs. But until that day comes the one operating leg would be the liberal wing of the Democratic Party.”

More recently, a 2010 report for the Communist Party’s National Convention was prepared by members of the Young Communist League USA. “Currently, the conditions rarely if ever allow us to run open Communists for office,” the report stated. “When members do run for office, it is within the auspices of the Democratic Party. Otherwise, we find ourselves supporting progressive (and in some instances not-so-progressive) Democratic candidates. Despite how much many of us would love to run comrades for office as Communists, we all agree that this is how we currently have to function in this political climate.”

In late 2012, meanwhile, a report delivered at the 14th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties in Beirut, Lebanon, praised Obama and the advances he had made for the cause. “The Communist Party USA not only welcomes the reelection of President Barack Obama, but actively engaged in the electoral campaign for his reelection and for the election of many Democratic Party congressional candidates,” explained the report, prepared by CPUSA International Department operative Erwin Marquit. “We regarded the 2012 election as the most important in the United States since 1932, an election held in the midst of the Great Depression.”

The CPUSA’s “present strategy,” the report continued, was to “build alliances both inside and outside the Democratic Party.” After Obama’s re-election in 2012, the so-called “progressive caucus” in Congress — masterfully exposed in Loudon’s work — will “be playing an important role in contributing to the mobilization of mass activity on critical issues to bring pressure on the Congress and administration to act on them.” The report also openly proclaimed that “the victory of Obama is a welcome aid for us in our domestic struggles.” Obama’s political career, of course, began in the home of Communist terrorist Bill Ayers, whose Weather Underground terror movement in the United States was backed by Communist mass-murderer Fidel Castro.

In his comments on Bachtell’s most recent admission, Loudon said Americans have a lot to learn. In the same manner that the CPUSA has “utilized” the Democrat Party, constitutionalists who hope to preserve liberty and the Republic bequeathed to Americans by the Founding Fathers ought to work within the GOP, Loudon argued. “Bachtell understands that prematurely breaking with the Democrats, on some quixotic adventure of forming a new leftist third party, would almost certainly hand the next few elections to the GOP,” Loudon wrote. “He fears that a revitalized GOP, led by Ted Cruz, or some similar figure, would roll back most, or all of the Communist Party’s hard fought gains.”

“If U.S. Constitutionalist conservatives and Tea Party activists can show similar political discipline and maturity, they will abandon plans for a suicidal third party agenda — for now,” Loudon wrote. “Instead they will work through the GOP, as the Communists have through the Democrats. Learn from the opposition. Utilize the GOP machinery and voting base to build a big Constitutionalist base inside the GOP. Build your strength, do as the Communists have done, primary any vulnerable GOP candidates who will not support your Constitutionalist agenda.”

Loudon argued that today, less than 1,000 hardcore Communist Party operatives and their few thousand allies in the Democratic Socialists of America “effectively dictate Democratic Party policy.” If the far larger constitutionalist and Tea Party movement could learn from the opposition’s tactics, “they can have a real shot at restoring the Republic.” In the end, Loudon argued, the battle for America is not between Democrats and the GOP. Instead, it is between constitutionalists and communists. If constitutionalists want a chance to win that battle and preserve liberty, he concluded, understanding and learning from the opposition is crucial.

The process of communists using other parties and movements to enslave populations is hardly new — it works the same from Brazil to South Africa and everywhere in between. Communism and communist regimes, of course, murdered well over 100 million people in the last century alone, making the “movement” by far the most murderous and bloodthirsty in the history of humanity. However, as The New American has documented extensively, there have always been even more sinister forces operating behind the communists and their legions of useful idiots. If liberty is to survive, exposing and countering them remains essential.


Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at: [email protected]


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