In the ongoing War on the Unborn — which continues to claim nearly 2,000 lives per day, totaling more than 46 million since the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision of the Supreme Court slapped down states’ rights to make laws regulating the murder of the unborn — Planned Parenthood is the undisputed mothership of the anti-birth armada. Now, it is being reported that Planned Parenthood has been secretly constructing a “mega-clinic” abortion facility in southern Illinois to increase the unborn body count.
As CBS News is reporting:
After over a year of secret construction, Planned Parenthood announced its newest abortion facility on Wednesday: an 18,000-square-foot mega-clinic in southern Illinois. The new location is just 13 miles away from Missouri’s last remaining abortion clinic, a facility in St. Louis fighting to keep its license.
Since August 2018, Planned Parenthood has used a shell company to construct the facility, leaving no public trace that the former medical office would become one of the largest abortion clinics in the country.
Colleen McNicholas, the chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, told CBS News that the secrecy was necessary to avoid “protesters and delays.” She added, “We were really intentional and thoughtful about making sure that we were able to complete this project as expeditiously as possible because we saw the writing on the wall — patients need better access, so we wanted to get it open as quickly as we could.”
Of course, the corollary of that is that abortion — which is on the decline thanks to the reality that more people are realizing that every abortion ends a life, despite a liberal mainstream media blackout of the science showing that to be true — is losing its place as a popular choice.
As more and more scientific evidence comes to light showing that life begins at conception — and that heartbeats and other signs of life can be detected at earlier and earlier stages of development — abortionists are having a harder and harder time convincing thinking, reading, intelligent Americans that a “fetus” is simply a “mass of cells” and that a pregnant woman (known to the thinking as an expectant mother) should be able to dispose of those cells if they are unwanted.
Constructing a “mega-clinic” in secrecy is far from the brave act Planned Parenthood would paint it to be. With their alleged altruism set aside, it is plain to see that Planned Parenthood has a product to sell and is richly rewarded in profits of more than $127 million per year. That, to put in the for-what it’s-worth column — is above and beyond its operating expenses, which have been subsidized by taxpayer dollars. In fact, as of last year — while constructing the biggest murder mill in the country — Planned Parenthood continued to receive roughly $500 million in federal grants per year. Make no mistake: Killing the unborn is big business that could not survive without taxpayers being forced to pay for a “procedure” to which an increasing numbers of those taxpayers object.
With the only surviving abortion clinic in the area — located in St. Louis and also operated by Planned Parenthood — on the brink of losing its license for failing to meet basic requirements, this new “mega-clinic” (located in Illinois to avoid those requirements) would be the new “abortion capital of the Midwest,” a term coined by Mary Kate Knorr, the executive director of Illinois Right to Life, to describe Illinois clinic since, as she stated even before this largest clinic in the country was set to open, “It’s a travesty that women come here to get an abortion.”
With millions of dollars to spend and abetted by a more-than-willing liberal mainstream media, Planned Parenthood has secretly constructed this clinic and attempted to spin the secrecy of the project as proof of the need for such a facility. “It’s because they can’t access basic healthcare in Missouri,” Herbert said in an interview with CBS News. “There is a lot of hoops they have to jump through. It’s fiscally easier for them to come here.”
The main takeaway here is that it is time for Republicans to stop giving lip service to the protection of the unborn and end taxpayer support of their murder. Because without it, Planned Parenthood would cease to exist and their facilities could be purchased by organizations that would convert them to provide real healthcare to women without “women’s healthcare” being a euphemism for the death of the unborn.
Photo: AP Images