It has been described as perhaps the biggest setback in decades to the goals of the globalists. Britain’s vote to leave the European Union — Brexit — could lead to additional exit votes in Sweden and France, and perhaps the eventual demise of the increasingly authoritarian EU. Among the issues that drove the desire of the British population to cut its ties with the EU is the flood of immigrants into Europe, and thus into England and the other parts of the U.K. But immigration was not the only issue, and all of the issues that contributed to the results of the vote can be summed up in one term — national sovereignty.
It is estimated that more than 70 percent of governmental decisions were no longer being made by the British themselves, but rather by faceless, unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.
But could the vote in the United Kingdom have an effect on American politics, and lead to the killing of several trade deals presently being negotiated by President Barack Obama? After all, the United States itself came into existence because the colonists were fed up with being told what to do on local matters by a far-off distant government in London.
These trade agreements, such as the TPP, and the like, are really not “free trade” deals, but rather “managed trade” agreements that dilute American national sovereignty. For example, Congress meekly repealed the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) law because of a previous trade deal. Multilateral trade deals of necessity reduce national sovereignty because they are administered by super-national governments such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the EU.
This concern over the continuing erosion of American national sovereignty is expected to become a major issue in the U.S. presidential campaign, and it should likewise be an issue in the congressional elections. Expected Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made it clear that he supported the vote of the British people. “People want to take their country back and they want to have independence in a sense, and you see it in Europe, all over Europe.”
Expected Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has made it clear that she opposed the action of the British in leaving the EU. This echoes the position taken by President Obama, both before and after the vote, in which he warned the British they would go to the “back of the queue” on any trade deal with the United States if they left the EU.
However, other prominent Republicans have voiced support for the British leaving the EU, including former rivals of Trump for the nomination, such as Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. “I believe the UK should never have joined in the first place,” Paul told Breitbart London.
Ted Cruz roundly criticized Obama’s stance. “Instead of standing with our allies President Obama routinely hurls insults at them,” he said, calling Obama’s remarks “nothing less than a slap in the face of British self-determination.” Cruz specifically called attention to the impact upon our own independence. “The results of the Brexit referendum should serve as a wake-up call for internationalist bureaucrats from Brussels to Washington, D.C. that some free nations still wish to preserve their national sovereignty.”
Cruz was joined in a letter to Obama by Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) strongly condemning Obama’s comments. Instead of putting the U.K. at the back of the queue, the three said they would put the U.K. “in the front of the line.”
In October 2015, Obama’s U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman said, “We’re not particularly in the market for FTAs (free trade agreements) with individual countries.”
This means that globalists are more interested in building authoritarian and corrupt regional governments, such as the EU, the WTO, and the TPP, than they are in free trade. They prefer governments that are increasingly authoritarian, and even totalitarian. Governments that care nothing about individual liberty, but are rather dominated by global elites. It should be recalled that campaign posters supporting the EU back in the 1990s used a picture of the biblical Tower of Babel.
Hardly an example of limited, constitutional government.
Perhaps an analogy with the popular movie series Star Wars can illustrate the situation we are now in. One might recall that the “republic” was eventually replaced by “the empire.” The empire grew out of a trade agreement among several planets, and the empire became very despotic. In response, the rebels eventually killed the Death Star, a major source of enforcement power for the intergalactic elites that ran the Empire.
The British, with their vote to leave the increasingly despotic EU, have delivered a similar blow to the global elite’s “death star,” but if one remembers the movie series, one of the movies was entitled The Empire Strikes Back. In Britain, across Europe, and in America, we can expect to see a flood of pro-EU and “free trade” propaganda, attempting to scare its populations back into these entangling alliances, or even into new ones. Any economic difficulties can be expected to be attributed to the British vote.
Hopefully, however, the momentum of the British Exit from the EU will inspire Americans to throw off these trade deal shackles and even consider an exit from the greatest globalist enterprise — the United Nations.