Trump: “I Don’t Think [Biden] Makes It”
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

During a conversation with Fox News’ Sean Hannity earlier this week, Donald Trump said, “I don’t think he makes it. I think he’s in bad shape physically. I watched him at the beach. He wasn’t able to lift a beach chair which is meant for children.”

An increasing number of Democrats agree, but not because of Biden’s physical or mental challenges. Left-leaning Democracy Corps conducted a web survey of some 2,500 registered voters and learned that

Biden trails Donald Trump by 5 points in the battleground states and loses at least another point when we include the independent candidates who get 17 percent of the vote.

Biden is trying to win these states where three quarters believe country is on the wrong track and 48 percent say, “I will never vote for Biden.”

It further lamented “that 76 percent believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. They desperately want to change. Dwelling on how much you have accomplished turns off these voters.”

In an extraordinarily revealing summary, the pollsters asked, “Why do so many voters think the country is off track?” and then answered:

Above all, they are desperate about inflation and the cost of living: 64 percent choose it as the top problem — about 30 points higher than any other. The Biden presidency is defined by that inflation and the longer it extends, the angrier people get. They want leaders to get it and government to help.

The survey shows how this has become the only issue for Gen Z, millennials, unmarried women, & white working class voters under 50.

Democrats talking about this strong economy and things moving in the right direction sounds like you are talking about a different country.

Voters and our base most of all are worried about inflation and the cost of living, crime, homelessness and violence, the economy and employment and immigration and the border.

Black, Hispanics and Asian voters put crime, homelessness, and violence as their second worry.

Democratic erosion is multi-faceted. Our own voters give Trump and Republicans higher ratings on wages staying ahead of prices, handling crime and the border.

Many in our base would welcome policies that come with a potential Trump term.

That is a remarkable admission by Democrats: Even their own voters are so desperate over their economic situations that they would be willing to vote for the enemy to relieve their financial anxieties! 

The latest polls reveal just how deep and wide is the discontent with Biden and his administration. SSRS released a poll taken last month that reported that just 37 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance, while 63 percent disapprove. These are the lowest numbers since Biden assumed the presidency.

When it comes to the economy, that same poll showed just 33 percent approve of his handling of it, the lowest number the pollster has recorded since the inauguration.

When asked about their current economic conditions, 71 percent of those voters rated them poor or very poor. In April 2021, just as Biden’s administration was assuming control, 45 percent rated the economy as poor or very poor.

When asked about the “most important issue” in the country today, more than four out of 10 declared it was the economy: jobs, cost of living, finances, housing costs, wages, gas prices, and interest rates.

Such discontent is showing up in polls focusing on the upcoming general election in November 2024. 270toWin Polling gives Trump a 2.6 percent advantage over Biden, while the RealClear Politics average of the last 12 polls taken since early November gives Trump a 2.1 percent advantage over Biden.

What’s more impressive about the RCP number is that of those last 12 most recent polls, Trump wins in nine of them, with one tie.

Polling done by far-left CNN also revealed just how much damage is being done to the core demographics Democrats have traditionally relied upon. Fewer than half in most of those groups now approve of his job performance, including college graduates, Black Americans, Latino Americans, white Americans, and those without a college degree.

In its review of the Democracy Corps poll, Richard Moorhead, writing at The Western Journal, noted that “one November poll showed that a generic Democratic candidate [running for president] would have a better standing in the 2024 election [than Biden], with voters giving an unnamed Democrat a 6-point edge over Trump.”

For readers wanting to stay close to the results of all the polling being done across the country relating to the upcoming national presidential election, the Electoralist provides current updates. At present, the service gives Trump the edge over Biden in the race for the White House.