Swalwell Spends Big Campaign Bucks on Frills and Luxury, Then Backs Bill to Ban Trump, Aides, From U.S. Capitol
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Eric Swallwell
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

When Representative Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) isn’t robbing his campaign to pay for planetary travels to luxurious locales, he’s either canoodling with Chinese spies, or most recently, trying to block Republicans he doesn’t like from entering the U.S. Capitol.

In this case, the Republican is You Know Who and his aides.

Swalwell has cosponsored Georgia Democratic Representative Nikema Williams’ bill to block former President Trump and the men who worked for him from ever entering the Capitol. They introduced the bill three days before Swalwell was exposed as quite the globetrotter — on his campaign donors’ dime, of course.

The Last Time He Saw Paris

And Swalwell is no small-time Charlie when it comes to spending, Fox News reported after taking a gander at his federal campaign spending records. He outspent Representative Nancy Pelosi, famous for scarfing ice cream that costs $13 per pint kept in $24,000 Sub Zero freezers.

“Swalwell’s campaign spent nearly $583,000 on travel expenses during the 2022 elections, the filings show. Pelosi, by contrast, finished the cycle by putting $434,000 into reported travel expenses,” Fox reported:

Swalwell has consistently used donor funds on limousines, flights, yachts, and posh hotels, including internationally. The spending came as Americans in both his district and around the country faced rising inflation that drove food, fuel, and energy costs through the roof.

But as many Americans struggled with skyrocketing prices, Swalwell’s campaign lived the high life. Throughout the 2022 elections, its largest travel expense was $20,240 to the Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay, where his wife was the sales director until 2019, according to her LinkedIn profile.

Half Moon Bay is a resort about 40 minutes south of San Francisco.

But putin’ on the Ritz in California wasn’t Swalwell’s only way to live it up.

He also “burned through thousands of dollars in Paris, France, including $1,800 early last May at the five-star Hotel La Maison Champs-Elysées, where nightly rooms run from around $1,000 to $1,200 per night,” Fox continued

The spending spree in Gay Paree continued at the swanky Le Café Marly in the shadow of the Louvre. One of the “best kept secrets in Paris,” it features “Homemade Ginger Carrot Juice for $12 to Oscietre Imperial Caviar with two shots of Beluga for $120.”

Swalwell and the gang spent $3,538.94 at the Ritz in Paris.

But the good times didn’t stop even there:.

Swalwell’s committee, which went through much of the 2022 election cycle with just two paid staffers, added thousands more at luxury hotels in other prime vacation spots, including $4,708 at Loews Miami Beach, where rooms cost customers between $400 for city room views and $3,700 for the presidential suite, according to its website.

And in addition to the hundreds of thousands of dollars on travel accommodations, the campaign also doled out considerable cash on yachts and childcare services.

Swalwell’s committee spent $28,646 at Just Dreaming Yacht Charters, a San Francisco agency that offers “relaxing and luxurious” private yachts for up to 40 passengers.

The California congressman also dug into his campaign’s coffers to cover $131,000 in childcare expenses, including $2,142 at a Maryland location of Let Mommy Sleep, which offers overnight postpartum care for newborn babies. 

Ban Orange Man Bad

Swalwell isn’t just a big spender. When it comes to smashing the enemies of “democracy,” he’s Congress’ Captain America. Trump is his Red Skull.

Thus, did he cosponsor the bill to ban Trump and his aides from the U.S. Capitol.

Claiming that Trump and his aides “attempted to undermine and overturn the 2020 presidential election” and must be prohibited “from entering the United States Capitol,” Williams and Swalwell delivered the usual list of whereases, including these:

  • A Select Committee held Trump’s aides in “criminal contempt of Congress and certified those contempts to the Department of Justice for prosecution”;
  • “The Select Committee referred Donald Trump, John Eastman, Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani, Jeffrey Clark, and Kenneth Cheseboro for criminal prosecution;
  • “The Select Committee’s final report “described the role that Donald Trump, Steven Bannon, Mark Meadows, Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman, Kenneth Cheseboro, Rudy Giuliani, Dan Scavino, and Peter Navarro played in the planning and execution of the efforts to undermine and overturn the 2020 presidential election”; and, 
  • “[T]he effort to undermine and overturn the 2020 presidential election damaged the functions of our democracy.”

“Democracy” itself was threatened by the mostly peaceful protest on January 6, 2021, which means that “The Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, and the United States Capitol Police shall take such actions as may be necessary to prohibit President Donald John Trump, Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Rudy Giuliani from entering the United States Capitol.”

The bill will go nowhere, and even if it did, a federal court would likely overturn it. Bills of attainder — legislation that declares someone guilty of a crime then punishes the individual without a trial — are unconstitutional.

Maybe if Williams had spent more time reading the Constitution than making rain for Barack Hussein Obama she would know that.

Swalwell most recently made headlines when GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy booted him off the House Intelligence Committee because he was tight as an Asian tick with a Chinese spy called Fang Fang. Despite that, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi permitted Swalwell to stay on the committee in 2021 when McCarthy tried to remove him.