As we write, a number of subversive, revolutionary movements are surging — literally and figuratively — across the political landscape. A “caravan” of (at one point) more than 1,000 Central American activists has been marching north across Mexico, headed for the United States. They reportedly intend to cross illegally into the U.S., demand amnesty, and hook up here with DACA/Dreamer activists and “immigrant rights” groups, with the aim of creating another PR headache for President Trump.
On another front, hundreds of thousands of “student activists” have been protesting in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere, demanding severe new restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms. Ignited by the February 14 Stoneman Douglas High School massacre in Florida, they are being led and directed by adult extremists in the radical gun control movement — and lavished with obscene amounts of television face time, courtesy of the Fake News media. In addition to providing a coordinated assault on the Second Amendment, the murder of 17 students is being exploited to galvanize support for the movement to lower the voting age to 16 years.
In addition, massive demonstrations are once again underway for Earth Day (April 22), on which all the hysterical Left will demand that President Trump save us from global warming and take the United States back into the UN’s Paris accord on climate change (even though he hasn’t actually taken us out of it yet). By happy “coincidence” April 22 also happens to be communist icon Vladimir Lenin’s birthday, and about the same date on which the migration caravan organizers estimate they will arrive at the U.S. border.
Meanwhile, marches and demonstrations continue for “transgender rights,” and protests over the Trump administration’s efforts to ban transgender people from serving in the military, join with lawsuits launched by the ACLU to keep the Obama transgender rules in place. And on another front, the police shooting of Stephon Clark in Sacramento on March 18 has rekindled the BlackLivesMatter demonstrations.
The violent anti-Trump activities of Antifa, Indivisible, and other “resistance” groups have somewhat subsided and drifted out of the headlines over the past several months, but the strident militancy of many of the new, younger recruits gives pretty fair indication that the we will be facing renewed attacks by Mao-styled Red Guards in the near future. David Hogg, the media-anointed, potty-mouthed Stoneman Douglas student, is — at present — the most prominent of the new crop of Che Guevara wannabes who are leading the clenched-fist brigades of adolescent revolutionaries vowing to “change the world.”
It can appear overwhelming, at times, as if mass insanity is spreading like an unstoppable plague everywhere. However, rather than succumbing to despair, it is important to realize that all of these militant “movements” are really hollow facades. They masquerade under the rubric of “grassroots organizing” but are completely synthetic AstroTurf. Without the vast network of professional agitators supported by enormous infusions of cash from tax exempt foundations, all of these phony “movements” would utterly collapse. They are extremely vulnerable.
Consider, for instance, Pueblo Sin Fronteras (Spanish for People Without Borders), the group organizing and leading the migration caravan through Mexico. It is part of the larger “open borders” lobby led by Sin Fronteras I.A.P, a Mexico City-based organization that has received millions of dollars from the MacArthur Foundation and other globalist foundations. Many of these foundations, such as the Ford, Rockefeller, and Soros Foundations, have long records of supporting Leftwing groups in general, and migration activist groups in particular. The Pueblo Sin Fronteras (PSF) activists have announced that they are joining with the California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance (CIYJA), Freedom For Immigration (FIF), and other radical groups to hold “People’s Tribunals” that will put “ICE on Trial.” These fake trials aimed at the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, are targeting the ICE headquarters in Washington, D.C., and the ICE Detention Centers in the California cities of Oakland, Martinez, and San Francisco. The PSF allies in this effort — CIYJA, FIF, ACLU, National Lawyers Guild, Detention Watch Network, etc. — all depend on foundation funding for their life’s blood; they would dry up and blow away without it.
The same goes for March for Our Lives, the anti-gun rights militants represented by David Hogg and his fellow newly minted media darlings. The story that their massive rallies are grassroots events spontaneously organized by high schoolers is an outright lie. As we have reported, they have been funded by billionaire Michael Bloomberg and other deep-pocket activists and organized by the professional gun control lobbyists. Ditto for Vote16USA, National Youth Rights Association, and Generation Citizen, three of the principal groups pushing the agenda to agitate and activate American youth to demand voting rights. These outfits would not have professional staff, offices, and budgets for non-stop agitation, without the generous funding of the subversive, tax-exempt, activist foundations.
There are thousands of these radical organizations — at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels — that comprise a huge revolutionary network. They are demolishing our civilization piece by piece. The globalists who have been funding this chaos for most of the past century are simultaneously building their New World Order on the rubble their agents have caused. President Trump and Congress must cut off the tax-exempt funding that keeps the Revolution going. The president can begin by having the Department of Justice and the IRS investigate and prosecute foundation officials for their most obvious illegal, subversive, funding activities. The financing of this massive enemy fifth column will not cease unless and until some of these malefactors start going to jail and the big foundations start losing their tax-exempt status.
Photo: AP Images