National Poll: Biden’s Reelection Chances “Look Slim at Best”
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Polling firm TIPP Insights was “shocked” at the rapid and accelerating decline of President Biden’s favorability among American voters it found in its latest “Presidential Leadership Index” ratings:

To our shock, President Biden is now vulnerable among 31 groups compared to 21 in November.

We categorize four levels of vulnerability: significant, considerable, moderate, and mild.

The number of demographic groups experiencing “significant” vulnerability has sharply increased from five in November to 18 this month.

Among all 36 demographic groups surveyed, there was increasing momentum to the downside just over the last three months — months in which Biden has increasingly shown himself incapable of uttering a coherent sentence, much less a clear, intelligent, well-reasoned, and thoughtful response to various questions posed by members of his friendly media.

Instead, reflecting Stage 5 or 6 dementia, he has lashed out at his questioners in anger and frustration.

The American people, seeing this, have registered their unhappiness with Biden in nearly every current poll. All TIPP Insights has done is track that unhappiness by demographic group and then calculate his rapid descent.

The group runs this survey every 90 days, asking:

Overall, is your opinion of the President generally favorable, generally unfavorable, or are you not familiar enough to say one way or the other?

In general, do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as President, or are you not familiar enough to say one way or the other?

How would you describe the leadership that Joe Biden is providing for the country?

The index is the average of the answers to these three questions. A reading above 50 signals good news for Biden. The last time Biden registered 50 or above was in August 2021. Since then it’s been all downhill.

His current rating is at an all-time low for his administration: 39.4.

The firm categorizes the responses as “significant,” “considerable,” or “moderate.” 18 of the 36 groups had “significant” negative momentum for Biden:

Age 18-24 (28%)

Northeast (26%)

White men (26%)

Age 25-44 (26%)

Conservative (25%)

Married women (25%)

Moderate (24%)

Income $30K-$50K (24%)

White (23%)

West (22%)

Republicans (22%)

Income 75K+ (22%)

Non-investors (21%)

High School (21%)

Midwest (21%)

White women (21%)

Independent/Other (20%)

Female (20%)

The number in the parentheses “is our measure of negative momentum: the drop in the short-term three-month average compared to [Biden’s] long-term 37-month average,” according to TIPP Insight.

TIPP Insight summarized its latest study:

Our momentum analysis shows that Biden’s standing among Americans has weakened significantly in the past three months. He faces headwinds among a broad spectrum of Americans.

If Biden is the Democratic Party’s candidate, [his] incumbency does not work to his advantage, and the chances of returning to the White House look slim at best.

There are several takeaways from this survey. One, voters are increasingly wary of Biden to the point where Trump voters are likely to overwhelm any attempts by Democrats and their state operatives to cheat and steal the election the way many believe they did in 2020.

Two, there is pressure on Democrats to find a way — quickly — to rid themselves of this albatross and replace him with someone younger, coherent, and attractive.

Three, as Edward Homan noted after reviewing TIPP Insight’s results, “The time to apply, pay, and qualify to get on the ballot in each of the fifty states has passed (in January). There is no federal law that requires states to place candidates on their ballot after that date has passed.”

If he is correct, Democrats are out of options. It’s going to be doddering old Joe versus Trump. Unless, of course, they can keep Trump from running. Then, of course, Biden would win in a walk.