Maher Claims Hillary Didn’t Deny 2016 Election Result; Megan Kelly Sets Him Straight
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Hillary Clinton
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Hillary Clinton has long been an election denier. Former President Donald Trump stole the 2016 election, she has repeatedly said, which means he was an “illegitimate president.”

In that, she is no different than other Democrats with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

But that was news to leftist Bill Maher, who’s famous for calling out leftist extremists — and loudly so — notably the lunatic “transgender” movement that wants to mutilate children by scissoring their private parts.

In a recent chin wag with Megyn Kelly, Maher denied that Clinton is an election denier. But Clinton did indeed say Trump was an “illegitimate president” — repeatedly, as Kelly showed him.

And Maher might want to examine the full history of Democrat election denial.

No, She Didn’t!

Kelly taught the lesson to Maher in a few brief moments on her eponymous internet program.

“Hillary Clinton of course is the original election denier,” Kelly said. “I’m sure you voted for her in ’16.”

“Well she’s not an election denier,” Maher replied.

“She absolutely was the OG election denier,” Kelly said, standing her ground.

Maher: First of all, she came out before the sun had risen to concede the election to Trump.

Kelly: And then spent the next four years saying he was illegitimate, that he was an illegitimate president.

Maher: OK, first of all … she didn’t say he was “an [illegitimate president].

Kelly: She did!

Maher: Tell me exactly what she said.

Kelly: She said those exact words repeatedly.

The segment cut to video of Clinton: I believe he knows he’s an illegitimate president.

Maher: OK. I mean, she conceded the election. Whether you’re interpreting her disappointment at losing it as the same thing as Trump not conceding it. I don’t know if that’s where you’re getting it from. But again, it’s a tremendous false equivalency. You could ask Hillary Clinton right now. Who won that election? She will tell you Donald Trump won the election.

Kelly: Now she knows she has to because of what Trump has done.

Maher: She came out that night …

Kelly: She conceded the election …

Maher: …. in her dark purple suit and conceded the election.

Kelly: Correct. And then spent the next four years trying to convince us it was not legitimate.

Then, again, the viewer gets more video of Clinton claiming she was robbed: You can run the best campaign. You can even become the nominee. And you can have the election stolen from you.

And those claims in 2019 aren’t the only two times Clinton accused Trump of stealing the election. In October 2020, she sat for an interview with leftist The Atlantic for its Ticket podcast.

“If Biden does win, why shouldn’t Republicans and Trump supporters spend the next four years the same way that many Democrats have: talking about resistance, marching in the streets, saying Trump is not a legitimate president?” came the question.


You didn’t see that after [George W. Bush] was elected, even though it was contentious and decided by the Supreme Court. No, there was a widespread understanding that this election [in 2016] was not on the level. We still don’t know what really happened. I mean, there’s just a lot that I think will be revealed. History will discover. But you don’t win by 3 million votes and have all this other shenanigans and stuff going on and not come away with an idea like, “Whoa, something’s not right here.” That was a deep sense of unease.

Clinton has denied the 2016 election result at least eight times: once in 2017, five times in 2019, and twice in 2020, and those are only the times documented by the GOP. 

Other Democrats joined her in calling Trump “illegitimate,” including Joe Biden and former President Jimmy Carter.

“I agree,” Biden said when a woman at a campaign event in 2019 called Trump “illegitimate.”

“Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and he was put into office because the Russians interfered,” Carter falsely claimed.

The list of Democratic election deniers, not including Independent socialist Bernie Sanders of Vermont, includes the late Senator Dianne Feinstein of California and the following congressmen:

  • Raul Grijalva
  • The late John Lewis of Georgia
  • Barbara Lee
  • Cedric Richmond
  • Ted Lieu
  • Jerry Nadler
  • Jamie Raskin
  • Jan Schakowsky
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Their accusations included “voter suppression” and “foreign interference,” both of which Clinton cited in her Atlantic interview.

Other Democrats

As for the election of Bush 43, which Clinton mentioned, she claimed that Bush was “selected” not elected, because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s involvement over the vote in Florida, as did other Democrats. Her husband, unindicted rape suspect and former President Bill Clinton, said “the only way [Republicans] could win the election was to stop the voting in Florida.”

Other Democrats challenged that election as well, with 31 voting to reject Ohio’s electoral votes.

But back to 2016. As Trump’s attorneys noted during his second bogus impeachment trial, House Democrats repeatedly objected to the certification of electoral votes, just as they did in 2005 over the 2004 election.

The man who banged his gavel to overrule their objections was none other than then-Vice President Joe Biden.