Latest Iowa Caucus Poll Shows Significant Improvements for Some
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In April, Minnesota Representative Michele Bachman garnered 9 percent among likely Iowa voters. The newest poll, which consists of telephone interviews from July 5 through yesterday, shows Bachmann at 21 percent, surpassing former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who has been the frontrunner in the race for the GOP primary thus far.

Similarly, Texas Congressman Ron Paul jumped from 3 percent of likely voters in April to 14 percent in the recent poll, an 11-point increase. Additionally, among Independent voters polled in the American Research Group Survey, Paul was one of the preferred choices, as well as Romney.

Furthermore, an survey shows that among all GOP presidential hopefuls, Paul retains the majority of his support regardless of who is in the race. The Iowa Republican reports, “When other candidates enter the race, Romney hangs on to 76 percent of his vote, Ron Paul holds on to 80 percent of his support, but Bachmann only hangs on to 44 percent of her support.”

Paul’s increasing support throughout this presidential bid has prompted him to announce that he will not be seeking a reelection campaign for the United States House of Representatives. Instead, he plans to concentrate all of his efforts on a GOP presidential nomination.

Like Bachmann and Paul, Palin has made significant gains from the April Iowa caucus poll. In April, Palin stood at 4 percent of likely voters, but according to the most recent results, Palin now stands at 11 percent of likely voters.

Another interesting finding from the Iowa Caucus poll is Herman Cain’s and Tim Pawlenty’s minuscule support, with both standing at 2 percent of likely voters, despite the amount of airtime they have received over the course of the last few weeks.

Likewise, while Romney has long been considered the frontrunner in the race for the GOP nomination, he has hardly gained any support from April to July.

Here is where the other candidates stand in the latest Iowa Caucus poll:

Newt Gingrich: 8 percent

Rick Santorum: 5 percent

Jon Huntsman: 3 percent

Rick Perry: 2 percent

Rudy Giuliani: 2 percent

Gary Johnson:  –

Charles Roemer:  –

Other: 2 percent

Undecided: 10 percent

As of now, the next Republican presidential debate is scheduled to take place on August 11 on the Fox News Channel, though the time has yet to be determined. It should be interesting to see how that debate may impact the polls.