CNN Continues Smear Campaign Against Elder. Calls Him Black White Supremacist
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On September 8, a woman in a gorilla mask tossed an egg at Larry Elder as the Republican gubernatorial candidate in today’s recall election toured a homeless encampment.

Four days later, CNN’s leftist talker Brian Stelter invited a scribe for the Los Angeles Times to continue the abuse, albeit verbally. The Times’s Jean Guererro tossed a stink bomb at the conservative radio talker. He is, she said, a liar and racist.

Polls don’t show that voters favor Elder in today’s recall election against leftist Gavin Newsom. But the leftist media in California are apparently so terrified that Elder might defeat the incumbent they think bashing him as a black white supremacist will ensure a defeat.

“Agent of Trumpism”

The openly leftist Stetler pitched a waist-high soft one to Guerrero that dealt with Elder’s concerns about vote fraud.

“Is the amount, the intensity [of] this voter fraud cry, is it in direct relationship to Newsom’s strengthening performance in the early vote in the return of ballots, in the polling?” Stelter asked? “You know, there is this sense that Newsom has an advantage. Is that why Larry Elder and others are talking about voter fraud?”

Replied the Times’s hate-Elder leftist:

Exactly. Polls are starting to reflect that people largely want to keep Newsom in office. We have 60 percent saying they are against the recall they want to keep Newsom in office. A lot is driven by voters of color, particularly Latinos, who are now 66 percent against the recall.

So, you see Larry Elder relying on this big lie because he understands that Californians are very likely to reject him as the next governor of California. And the only way that he can sort of explain this loss away is by claiming that it was stolen from him in the same way that Trump claimed that about the 2020 election.

At least one news report suggests that poll officials are wrongly telling Republicans they’ve already voted but given “provisional” ballots to ensure they had the chance to vote. So much for Elder’s “big lie.”

Elder “has always been an agent of Trumpism,” Guerrero continued. “I think that reflects him and disenfranchising voters and attacking democracy in a way that Democrats have been doing across the country.”

Then came the chance to smear Elder as a black “white supremacist.”

Stelter asked whether Elder ran “a Trump playbook in the state.”

“He’s essentially been running his campaign on Fox News and right wing media outlets. He refused to talk to nonpartisan media outlets and journalists who are critical of him, has refused to answer media questions, uses the time he has on social media to denounce those journalists and playing the victim,” Guerrero continued:

But he has been able to reach the minority of voters in California who embrace his white supremacist world view. He co-opted this line by my fellow columnist … calling him the black face of white supremacy.

But he refuses to engage with the actual substance of our reporting, you know, the idea that his views were shaped by a well-known white supremacist … who we quoted in early writings, that he plans to reverse all the state’s progress on immigrant rights and racial justice. And that he poses a real threat to communities of color for all the reasons that we have reported in the past.

Amusingly, Stelter continued with this astute observation: “Clearly, The L.A. Times’s opinion folks, you and others, have been very much against Elder. We will see what impact if any that has had in two days.”

Guerrero’s smear continued a campaign the newspaper has been running for some time with such headlines as “Larry Elder is the Black face of White supremacy. You’ve been warned.”

Egg Toss

The two leftists were unconcerned about the vicious assault on Elder. After the woman in a gorilla mask tossed the egg, other leftist goons attacked an aide. Los Angeles police are looking for the assailants.

Yet Stelter and Guerrero never discussed the lunatic’s attack, which would have provoked a national moral panic had Elder been a Democrat seeking to recall a Republican.

As The New American reported the day before, Elder was the target of an 11th-hour hit from the Daily Mail that hysterically “uncovered” his claim that slave owners, not just slaves, were owed reparations because their legally-owned property was seized.

H/T: Breitbart