Clinton’s Trump-is-Hitler Narrative Rooted in Her Stunning Loss in 2016
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It was bad enough that President Joe Biden used his speech at the Normandy American Cemetery in France on the 80th anniversary of D-Day to deliver a bombastic, belligerent attack on Russia.

But Hillary Clinton did him one better. Or worse. The loser of the 2016 presidential election compared GOP presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler the same day in an X post.

Trump’s campaign responded with a brutal takedown. X users went ballistic.

And the latest from the professional election denier isn’t the first time she compared Trump to the failed Austrian painter. Indeed, the root of Clinton’s Trump-is-Hitler narrative is her stunning failure in 2016. 

She just won’t accept it.

The Post

“Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy,” Clinton wrote.

But she couldn’t leave it at that, and like so many of her ilk, didn’t resist the temptation to spout off about Trump: “This November, all we have to do is vote.”

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung came back with the obvious retort for Fox News.

“Hillary Clinton is a stone-cold loser who presided over the horrific Benghazi debacle that led to the death of Americans,” he said. “Nobody takes Hillary seriously because it’s clear she is beclowning herself in order to stay relevant after President Trump crushed her in 2016.”

Though Trump did crush Clinton in the Electoral College, 304-227, he actually lost the popular vote by about 2.9 million votes, or 2.1 percent.

Still, though, Clinton’s remark was off the wall, and X exploded as well.

“What an enormously stupid and vile comment. Trump is not Hitler,” Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro wrote. “And voting is not storming a beach under a hail of machine-gun fire to free millions from the tyranny of the Nazis.”

Replied Vivek Ramaswamy’s parody account:

Honestly ben, did you expect anything else? This is Hillary Clinton we’re talking about

Clinton’s “enormously stupid and vile comment” also cost President Joe Biden at least one vote from a lifelong Democrat.

“The grossness of Dems doing EXACTLY what Dems are blaming the GOP of doing is unforgivable!” Tennessean Joe Widener wrote. “I’m voting Red for the first time in my life! And it’s across the board! Every single issue!”

Instead of honoring D-Day vets, Clinton used the 80th anniversary of the heroic landing as a “stage for hate,” another user wrote.

Red State writer Bonchie called the comment “pure evil” and “sick and disgusting,” while the Comfortably Smug X feed delivered this searing comeback:

What kind of shameless, broken, lizard person do you have to be to tweet out some nonsense like this?

“Yes I know what it was like for those soldiers on Omaha beach ducking machine gun fire, I went to vote.  I am braver than the troops”

She has never recovered from Trump’s win

Previous Hitler Slurs

This isn’t Clinton’s first dive to the bottom with the argumentum ad Hitlerum. Weeks ago, she called Trump “Grifter Hitler” after a campaign staffer mistakenly posted an article that discussed a “unified Reich” if he won in 2024.

Last year, appearing with the harpies on The View, she claimed Trump would jail his opposition and shut down the press, noting that Hitler was “duly elected.”

“People would get legitimately elected, and then they would try to do away with elections and do away with opposition and do away with a free press,” she claimed:

And you could see it in countries where … look, Hitler was duly elected, and so, all of a sudden, somebody with those tendencies, those dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies would be like, OK, we’re gonna shut this down, we’re gonna throw these people in jail. And they didn’t usually telegraph that. Trump is telling us what he intends to do.

But as Comfortably Smug said, Clinton still hasn’t recovered from losing to Trump, and aside from calling him Hitler, has repeatedly denied he defeated her.

“After the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton repeatedly questioned the legitimacy of the election and claimed the election was stolen from her,” the Republican National Committee showed in its report on Democrat election denial:

  • In September 2017, Hillary Clinton said she would not “rule out” questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 election.
  • In March 2019, Clinton smiled in agreement when former State Sen. Hank Sanders (D-AL) said the election was stolen from her.
  • In May 2019, Clinton said the 2016 election was “stolen” from her.
  • In September 2019, Clinton dismissed Trump as an “illegitimate president” and said “he knows” he stole the 2016 presidential election.
  • In October 2019, Clinton said that Trump knows that he is “an illegitimate president.”
  • In December 2019, Clinton nodded in agreement that she won the election.
  • In July 2020, Clinton said Trump is scared for Americans to see “how illegitimate his victory” was.
  • In October 2020, Clinton claimed that the 2016 presidential election was not conducted legitimately, saying, “we still don’t really know what happened.”

That record helps explain the Trump-Is-Hilter narrative. It salves her wound, explains her loss, and keeps her increasingly irrelevant name in the news.

H/T: Daily Caller, Fox News