Biden’s Decline Shows at G7 Summit, Other Leaders Worried
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The opening of the G7 meeting in Italy offered the world another view of an ailing American president unfit to continue serving in office, let alone serve a second term.

Biden’s bizarre behavior alarmed his counterparts at the summit, but, more importantly, proved again that oftentimes Biden simply doesn’t know where he is, what he’s doing, or maybe even what day of the week it is.

The latest on the cognitively disabled president, as the New York Post noted, came just a week after the Wall Street Journal’s bruising report that recounted Biden’s public gaffes, and for which Democrats confessed that he’s “slipping.” 

Strange Salute

The meeting in Puglia opened with Biden giving Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni a weird salute that invited the usual ridicule on X.

“WTF? Why is Biden saluting Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni?” I Meme Therefore I am wrote.

“Did Giorgia Meloni join the US Military and no one told us?” asked Joey Mannarino.

“Here we go — His first gaffe of the visit” another wrote.

The Post observed that “Biden’s awkward moment among the world leaders comes days after he remained virtually motionless for nearly a minute during a Juneteenth musical performance at the White House.”

That was yet another embarrassing moment for the president and what must be his cringing staffers, but in any event, Day 1 of the summit was the scene of an even more disturbing moment. 

He wandered away from the other G7 leaders — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida — as they waited to hear from a parachutist who had landed during a skydiving demonstration.

“President Biden has been ‘losing focus’ during discussions at this week’s G7 summit in Italy, with one diplomatic insider saying the commander in chief is ‘the worst he has ever been,’” the Post reported:

Another attendee from a non-US delegation told The Sun Friday that the 81-year-old’s public missteps on the first day of the gathering were “embarrassing.”

The White House claimed those accounts are “lies,” the Post continued. White House spokesman Andrew Bates said the president merely turned to give the thumbs up and say “congratulations” to a skydiver who was gathering his chute while the one who was supposed to receive Biden’s attention prepared to speak to the G7 leaders. 

Maybe, but the second skydiver didn’t look up. And Meloni had to take him by the arm and turn him around as if to say, “No, Joe, over here, this is the guy you’re supposed to listen to.” Biden stiffly put on his shades and very slowly lowered his arms with a lost look on his face as he listened to a skydiver speak. He didn’t appear to understand what the man was saying.

He’s Slipping

The latest on Biden’s declining mental acuity, as the Post observed, followed the Journal’s brutal report.

Among other “public slips,” the newspaper reported, Biden “indicated” that he was vice president during the China Virus panic, which began three years after he left office.

He has confused Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Health and Human Services chief Xavier Becerra, and at separate fundraisers claimed he spoke to two dead European leaders, late German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and French President Francois Mitterrand, at 2021’s G7 meeting. Kohl died in 2017; Mitterrand died in 1996.

The Journal also reported that Democrats are alarmed about Biden’s decline. They said Biden was showing his age in meetings. So did Republicans.

But what the Journal didn’t report is even more telling than what it did. As the Post observed, Biden needs cheat sheets to get through meetings, including instructions about when to pause. As The New American reported two years ago, those notes offer very specific directions in capital letters so Biden knows what to do.

False memories, another Biden problem, is a symptom of dementia. Biden has said cannibals on Papua New Guinea ate his World War II aviator uncle, whose aircraft crashed near the island nation. He has repeatedly claimed his son, Beau, died in Iraq. In fact, he died at Walter Reed Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Biden has also claimed he was a civil rights activist who helped desegregate theaters and restaurants, and that he was a long-haul truck driver. When a ship departing the port of Baltimore crashed into and destroyed the Francis Scott Key Bridge in March, Biden claimed he had traveled across the bridge by train many times. The bridge had no train tracks.

And Biden’s wandering off from the G7 leaders in what appears to be a fugue state isn’t unique either. First Lady “Dr.” Jill has to guide him, and a viral video featured him shaking hands with an imaginary person after a speech in North Carolina.

At a White House event in 2022, the Easter Bunny led Biden away from people after he mentioned Afghanistan.