United States - The New American
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United States

Son of Liberty

Nathan Hale was full of fun and life, but he is remembered for his death. He was a man of honor who died...

The New Democrat

According to Bob Conley, the Democrat nominee for the U.S. Senate in South Carolina, “The New Democrat is the Old Democrat.” And that...

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Gun Rights on Trial

The Supreme Court ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller struck down a prohibition against handguns but also allowed for more regulation of...

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Delegate Dilemmas and Duties

As the recently concluded primary season reminded us, America’s quadrennial presidential nominating process, from the earliest primaries to the national party conventions, has...

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Would McCain Change the Court?

What effect would a John McCain presidency have on the Supreme Court? That question is perhaps even more important this election year, since...

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Recreating Riots

1968. For nostalgic, aging radicals, that year is fondly remembered as the zenith of their glory days, when their demonstrations against the Vietnam...

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Comparing Cures

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, has made available online a...

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