House Oversight Committee Requests Testimony From Biden’s Physician
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Joe Biden and Kevin O'Connor
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In the wake of intensified public scrutiny of President Joe Biden’s physical and cognitive health, Representative James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, has called for Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the president’s physician, to testify regarding both his professional assessment of the president’s health and his involvement in the Biden family’s financial activities.

The Concern Over Biden

This request, sent on Sunday, follows growing public concern over Biden’s ability to fulfill his duties as the nation’s leader, spurred by his debate performance against former President Donald Trump. During the debate, Biden appeared to struggle significantly, displaying what many observers described as clear signs of dementia. Comer wrote:

After a concerning debate performance by President Biden against former President Donald Trump on June 27, journalists have rushed to report on what Americans have seen plainly for years: the President appears unwell.

For example, The Washington Post highlighted that Biden, who at 81 is the oldest person to hold the office, has shown “signs of accelerated aging in recent months,” noting that he “moves more slowly, speaks more softly and has moments when he loses his train of thought more often than even just a year ago.” Similarly, The New York Times reported that his lapses are becoming “increasingly common and worrisome.”

The Intelligencer added to the growing concern by reporting that Democratic officials, activists, and donors are questioning whether Biden could effectively serve another term. These observations have raised alarm within political circles, with some, like Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), acknowledging “honest and serious conversations” about Biden’s political future. Not surprisingly, a recent survey by The Hill, also referenced by Comer, found that 60 percent of respondents do not believe Biden is fit to serve another term.

O’Connor’s Assessments

In light of these concerns, Comer’s letter questions the accuracy and independence of O’Connor’s medical assessments of the president. Comer references a February assessment from O’Connor that stated, “President Biden is a healthy, active, robust 81-year-old male, who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.” This assessment has come under increased scrutiny, particularly following reports that O’Connor has “never recommended that [President] Biden take a cognitive test.”

Such a positive assessment may have been influenced less by genuine medical considerations than by business engagements between O’Connor and the Biden family, alleges Comer.

Business Ties

As such, the letter highlights evidence showing O’Connor’s and James Biden’s involvement with Americore Health, through which funds were used to pay Joe Biden. The committee has been investigating the Biden family’s financial activities, including this transaction, as part of a broader inquiry into potential influence-peddling schemes.

Detailing these concerns, Comer wrote, “Recent evidence obtained by the Committee shows your and James Biden’s involvement with Americore Health, LLC (Americore). James Biden, the President’s brother, used funds from Americore to pay Joe Biden $200,000 as the company was facing financial distress.”

Alerting the public about these revelations on X, the committee posed the question, “Did [O’Connor’s] involvement impact his medical assessments of the President?”

The letter further explains that Americore, a company operating rural hospitals, is currently involved in bankruptcy proceedings, and that James Biden had received significant payments characterized as loans from the company:

James Biden “procured the $600,000 in loans from Americore . . . based upon representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”

Included is an excerpt from James Biden’s testimony before the committee, where he confirmed that O’Connor provided counsel in connection with his work for Americore. Plus, public reporting indicates that O’Connor and President Biden’s son, Hunter, “joined a meeting with Jim Biden and the president of a hospital being acquired by Americore.”

Conflicting Statements

Comer also addresses inconsistencies in statements from the White House regarding President Biden’s health evaluations. Following the debate, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked whether President Biden had been examined by a doctor. She responded, “Look, what I can say is that … it was a bad night. … And the president has spoken to this, and he understands that.” However, she did not confirm any specific medical evaluations post-debate.

On July 3, Jean-Pierre stated that Biden had not been examined since his last annual physical in February. This contradicts Biden’s own statement during a phone call with Democratic governors, in which he claimed he had been checked after the debate and that “everything was fine.”

Comer’s letter concludes:

The statements by the White House Press Secretary and President Biden appear inconsistent, and the Committee seeks to understand the extent of your role at the White House at this time. Given your connections with the Biden family, the Committee also seeks to understand if you are in a position to provide accurate and independent reviews of the President’s fitness to serve.

To understand the extent of your involvement in the Biden family’s financial activity, we request that you produce all documents and communications in your possession regarding Americore and James Biden. Additionally, the Committee requests you make yourself available for a transcribed interview with Committee counsel.

The physician was given until July 14 to schedule the interview.

The request for O’Connor’s testimony comes amid increasing calls for Biden to suspend his reelection campaign, even from top Democrats, former staffers, and allies.

Last week, the White House said that Biden was “absolutely not” contemplating dropping out of the presidential race. And on Monday, the president wrote in a letter to congressional Democrats that he was “firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Trump.”