Perhaps angered by her political irrelevance in 2024, onetime Democratic nominee for president and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton took to X to seemingly compare presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The former first lady used the anniversary of D-Day to make her opinion known.
“Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy,” Clinton posted on X. “This November, all we have to do is vote.”
Clinton appears to have turned off the ability to reply to the post for all but her followers, but that hasn’t stopped some from commenting about her ludicrous comparison.
Believe it or not, some defended the egregious comment. German-based user DAG posted: “As usual, Hillary is absolutely right with this tweet about Trump and November 5th, the D-Day of our time. And you at FOX NEWS know it too. Trump is using Hitler-speak from Mein Kampf and wants to destroy US democracy with his fascist Project 25. So spare us your crocodile tears.”
But others were quick to point out the utter stupidity of the comparison.
“What an enormously stupid and vile comment,” posted Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire. “Trump is not Hitler. And voting is not storming a beach under a hail of machine-gun fire to free millions from the tyranny of the Nazis.”
Others reminded Clinton of her blatant hypocrisy.
“In 2016 you attempted to undo everything they fought for by partnering with Fusion GPS to launder discredited oppo in the press, and merchandise it into surveillance warrants on enemies through FISA,” posted talk show host Dana Loesch. “Were my WWII vet grandparents alive today they’d slam this.”
It’s not the first time the onetime secretary of state has used the Nazi dictator in a Trump comparison. In November of last year, while a guest on ABC’s The View, Clinton said of another Trump election: “I think it would be the end of our country as we know it.”
“I think he would be even worse now, because he was somewhat restrained, believe it or not, in the first term, by people who he hired because he thought they would go along with him and they stood up to him. And so now he’s going to — if he were ever near the Oval Office again — find people who have no principles, no conscience, who are totally tied to his fortune,” she added. “When I was secretary of state, I used to talk about ‘one and done.’ What I meant by that is that people would get legitimately elected, and then they would try to do away with elections and do away with opposition and do away with a free press.”
“Hitler was duly elected right?” Clinton said. “And so, all of a sudden, somebody with those tendencies, the dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies, would be like ‘Oh, OK, we’re going to shut this down, we’re going to throw these people in jail,’ and they didn’t usually telegraph that. Trump is telling us what he intends to do.”
Instead of treating the anniversary of D-Day as an occasion to remember the valiant sacrifice made by so many in 1944, Clinton decided to use it to make a tawdry political point. The obnoxious comment shows the world exactly where her heart is, and puts her vengeful and vindictive personality on full display.