President Trump accused pharmaceutical companies of deliberately delaying a coronavirus vaccine until after the election in order to hurt his chance of reelection.
“Pfizer and others even decided to not assess the results of their vaccine, in other words, not come out with a vaccine, until just after the election,” the president said. He noted that they had initially planned to assess the data as early as October but then postponed it.
“So they waited and waited and waited, and they thought they’d come out with it a few days after the election, and it would have probably had an impact, who knows, maybe it wouldn’t have,” the president said. “I’m sure they would have found the ballots someplace … the Democrats.”
He claimed that Big Pharma opposes his reelection because of his decision to instate new rules reducing the cost of prescription drugs. The president also blasted the pharmaceutical industry for running millions of dollars’ worth of ads against his campaign over his efforts to make medication more affordable.
“We had Big Pharma against us, we had the media against us, we had Big Tech against us. We had a lot of dishonesty against us,” he asserted.
One of the new rules President Trump announced would force companies to let Medicare pay the same “favored nation” price as the low prices in other countries.
A second rule requires pharma companies to remove the middlemen on rebates and discounted drugs and send the savings directly to Medicare patients. These rules go into effect in January.
According to the Trump administration, the new rules save American taxpayers and beneficiaries over $85 billion over seven years.
The president is correct that Big Pharma is against him and that it is more than likely they purposely delayed a vaccine release until after the election to rob him of a “good PR” moment.
Less than a week after the election, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, claimed that a vaccine developed by his administration and German company Biontech is more than 90-percent effective in preventing infection.
How convenient.
Nevertheless, there’s no need for President Trump to be so fixated on a vaccine. The establishment certainly wants the public to buy the idea that a shot is the only way life will ever go back to normal — but their obsession with a vaccine is precisely why Americans should think twice before buying that narrative.
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has made the vaccine argument heavily in recent days.
“If we get a vaccination campaign, and by the second or third quarter of 2021 we have vaccinated a substantial proportion of the people, I think it will be easily by the end of 2021 — and perhaps even into the next year — before we start having some semblances of normality,” said Fauci in an interview with Australia’s University of Melbourne.
Joe Biden has indicated he would be open to a vaccine mandate if he becomes president.
Of course, there are already plenty of tangible reasons to be wary of vaccines. Although the media likes to deride studies showing the dangers of vaccines, there is evidence that they contribute to autism.
The federal government goes to great lengths to protect the vaccine industry at the expense of regular Americans. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, passed by Congress at the behest of Big Pharma lobbyists, shields vaccine manufacturers from liability for deaths and injuries caused by their products.
Basically, if a vaccine kills your child or permanently disables you, the manufacturer of the vaccine cannot be held liable. Instead, the federal government created a special “court” where tax-funded federal lawyers defend vaccines and where taxpayers are on the hook for any damages. Billions have already been paid out. No other industry enjoys such immunity from liability.
And then there are the ways globalists such as Bill Gates want to combine vaccines with under-the-skin chip technology, with the finance industry, and with bio-recognition tech. Gates, by the way, is a man who strongly advocates for population control.
Considering these factors, no sane self-loving person should rush to get a vaccine for COVID-19, a disease with a 98-percent survival rate. And Americans should be concerned about the government mandating the receipt of such a rushed product.
What are they really trying to put into our bodies?