At least four far-left student organizations at Arizona State University are promoting a rally to keep Kyle Rittenhouse — the Illinois teenager who was acquitted on November 19 of murder charges in Kenosha, Wisconsin — from attending their university. Rittenhouse has been taking on-line courses from the school since October and has signaled that he would like to attend the university in person.
Led by the group “Students for Socialism,” the left-wing cabal of ASU students plans to hold a rally on Wednesday dedicated to keeping the 18-year-old Rittenhouse from being associated with the university. The other groups include Students for Justice in Palestine, the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition, and the Mexican student group known as MECHA de ASU.
Rittenhouse received a not-guilty verdict by a jury of his peers, yet the far-left students still feel comfortable calling him a “racist murderer,” a “white supremacist,” and a “blood thirsty murderer,” despite the fact that, during an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, the teenager said, “I’m not a racist person. I support the BLM movement, I support peacefully demonstrating.”
The Marxist student groups argue, “Even with a not-guilty verdict from a flawed ‘justice’ system — Kyle Rittenhouse is still guilty to the victims and the families of those victims.”
The Marxist student groups have a list of four “demands” of the university:
• “Withdraw Kyle Rittenhouse from ASU.”
• “Release a statement against white supremacy and racist murderer Kyle Rittenhouse.”
• “Reaffirm support for the multicultural center on campus as a safe space from white supremacy.”
• “Redirect funding from ASU [Police Department] to support the multicultural center and establishment of a CAARE center on campus.”
A CAARE center is a so-called healing center, which ostensibly exists in order to “provide a healing space to address community needs and reduce health and socio/economic disparities.”
A spokesperson for the far-left students told Fox News that the goal of their protests and demands is to let the university’s administration know that they are not comfortable with Rittenhouse being allowed on campus.
“The goal of these demands is to let the ASU administration know that we as the ASU community do not feel safe knowing that a mass shooter, who has expressed violent intentions about ‘protecting property’ over people, is so carelessly allowed to be admitted to the school at all,” the spokesperson said. “Our campus is already unsafe as is, and we would like to abate this danger as much as possible.”
If their campus is “already unsafe as it is,” why are they asking to defund the campus police in order to create a CAARE center on campus? Wouldn’t more police be a good thing if they were actually afraid of a sudden “white supremacist” uprising led young Kyle?
The spokesperson went on to chastise the Rittenhouse jury and the justice system in general claiming that the verdict “effectively gives right-winged individuals the license to kill other individuals who protest for human rights.”
And, of course, it all stems from “white supremacy” in general. All of this caterwauling completely ignores that fact that every person shot in self-defense by Rittenhouse in the midst of the Kenosha riot was white.
“The decision made by the court is one of thousands of cases that have been influenced by biased judges, predominantly white juries, and mistakes inherent in a judicial system founded off of injustice to begin with,” the spokesperson said.
Rittenhouse is not without defenders at ASU. The ASU branch of College Republicans United called for the students promoting the rally against Rittenhouse to be suspended over their harassment of Rittenhouse. The group has also pledged financial support for Rittenhouse.
“Half of all funds collected for the rest of the year will be donated to the Kyle Rittenhouse lawsuit against the media. We hope this action will teach a lesson to those who profit from lies and that Kyle has a comfortable life from this ordeal,” read a tweet from the group.
Meanwhile, according to Kyle, he simply wants to study nursing and perhaps, law, at the university. But far-left zealots at ASU can’t allow that to happen. Because if Rittenhouse is allowed to attend the university, the average student might see him and get to know him as a nice young man looking to gain a foothold in a career instead of the calloused, foaming-at-the-mouth right-wing monster that the far-left and mainstream media have created.
The narrative must be protected at all cost — even to the point of destroying a young man’s life.