The “transgender”-obsessed Biden administration says that Utah trespassed the Americans With Disabilities Act because it didn’t give a mentally-ill inmate who thinks he is a woman “gender-affirming care.”
The Justice Department’s “finding,” which came from the “Civil Rights Division” run by anti-white black supremacist Kristen Clarke, was published on March 12 after a long campaign by the prisoner, who falsely claims he is the “wrong gender.” The prisoner gave himself a jail-cell orchiectomy.
The ridiculous decision is in keeping with Joe Biden’s State of the Union vow to protect “transgender” Americans.
Findings of Fact
DOJ says Utah’s Department of Corrections violated ADA by denying “equal access to healthcare services” and “imposing unnecessary eligibility criteria for assessment and treatment for gender dysphoria that it does not require for other conditions.”
“Utah also failed to make reasonable modifications to its policies to avoid discrimination based on Complainant’s gender dysphoria,” DOJ’s “findings of fact” allege:
DOC’s failures had severe consequences. Complainant’s gender dysphoria worsened during her incarceration at UDOC. Twenty-two months after entering custody, and after enduring repeated delays and denials of her requests for disability-related care and reasonable modifications, Complainant performed dangerous self-surgery and removed her own testicles.
The “findings” also allege that the treatment was “conditioned” on approval by a panel with members who are “biased against” such individuals. Thus, “gender-affirming care” — leftist code for chemical castration and surgical mutilation — was delayed more than 15 months after he first requested it.
DOJ also alleges that the inmate was gender dysphoric “for many years” before landing in the Big House. The condition “became increasingly worse while in custody, surrounded only by men, and lacking control over her daily life and health care.”
After the department’s committee finally approved treatment, his physician tried to stop him from taking hormones. When the physician surrendered and began treatment, he “failed to take basic steps to ensure that it was provided safely and effectively” with proper testing.
Nor did the department assign him to live in a woman’s unit, stop “cross-gender” pat searches, provide women’s clothing, or allow the man to buy “gender-affirming clothing and makeup.”
All that and more, wrote Rebecca B. Bond, chief of the Disability Rights Section, violated ADA.
Her letter includes myriad demands that the state’s department of corrections revise its policies, not least by “providing health care services for gender dysphoria consistent with UDOC’s treatment of other medical conditions.” DOJ also expects the department to knock off pat-downs and let men who pretend they are women live in the women’s unit.
The demands also include giving DOJ “access to facilities and files, and written status reports delineating all steps taken to comply with these requirements, including the dates on which each step was taken, and, where applicable, information sufficient to demonstrate compliance.”
And of course, the state — meaning taxpayers — must “pay compensatory damages to Complainant and provide otherwise appropriate relief.”
Clarke’s Background, Tranny Madness Explained
The decision is hardly surprising coming from the Biden administration. Biden himself and his underlings are fanatically obsessed with “transgenders.”
The addlepated president has been pushing “transgender” ideology and propaganda since he entered office. Aside from hiring Richard “Rachel” Levine, who wants to chemically castrate and surgically mutilate children, he also hired a bald, “non-binary” sadist to help run the nation’s nuclear waste disposal program. The administration cashiered Sam Brinton for stealing luggage from airport carousels.
In his State of the Union address last week, Biden delivered this message to “transgender” Americans: “I have your back!”
As The New American reported when Biden hired Clarke to run the DOJ civil rights subsidiary that attacked Utah, she is a black supremacist who wants to defund the police. As a law-school student in 1999, she helped organize an anti-cop, anti-law-and-order conference. The conference called cop-killers Mumia Abu-Jamal and Joanne Chesimard “political prisoners.”
During her confirmation, Clarke said she knew nothing about Abu-Jamal.
“Gender-affirming care” is not the correct treatment for gender dysphoria, says Paul McHugh, professor emeritus of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University.
“Transgenders” are either aroused at the idea of dressing and behaving as the opposite sex or confused about themselves. The condition is similar to anorexia nervosa and body dysmorphic disorder.
“Its treatment should not be directed at the body as with surgery and hormones any more than one treats obesity-fearing anorexic patients with liposuction,” McHugh wrote in 2015:
The treatment should strive to correct the false, problematic nature of the assumption and to resolve the psychosocial conflicts provoking it.
Most likely, the prisoner in Utah wants a transfer to the woman’s unit, an increasing problem in prisons. “Transgenders” either have sex with the women and leave them pregnant, or worse, might very well rape them.