Video: School Dean BRAGS About Giving Sex Toys and Teaching Queer Sex to Students
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Anyone who ever pooh-poohed the idea of a slippery sexual slope should meet Joseph Bruno — that is, during one of his honest moments. Then you might hear the “educator” say what he revealed in a recently released video:

He has sexual devolutionaries give his school’s students sex toys and instruct them on “queer” sex.

He’s proud of this, too, calling it “a really cool part of my job.”

Very effeminate and sporting painted fingernails, Bruno, the “dean of student life” at Francis W. Parker School in Chicago, was secretly filmed by Project Veritas boasting “about the Pride Week event at Francis W. Parker School that included a visit by drag queen Alexis Bevels,” reports the New York Post. The paper continues:

An LGBTQ+ Health Center came in and “they were passing around butt plugs and dildos to my students — talking about queer sex, using lube versus using spit,” Bruno said.

“In a classroom, while I’m sitting there,” Bruno said — noting it was for kids as young as 14.

“They’re just, like, passing around dildos and butt plugs … The kids are just playing with ‘em,” he said of the high schoolers.

“They’re like, ‘How does this butt plug work? How do we do — like, how does this work?’” he said, with the drag queen there to “pass out cookies and brownies and do photos.”

In the clip secretly filmed in a coffee shop, Bruno confirmed that he had not told trustees about the sex-toy lesson, insisting he felt no need to because they would find it “wonderful.”

“That’s a real cool part of my job — I don’t have to worry about stuff like that,” he was recorded as saying, bragging about how he had “so much freedom” and “so much money to do stuff” at the school.

Bruno wasn’t kidding about the money: High-school tuition and fees at Parker amount to approximately $42,000 a year.

Project Veritas chief James O’Keefe approached Bruno outside the Parker school to ask about his admissions, but the dean fled into the building. O’Keefe was then warned to leave the premises (video below).

Bruno may lack answers to justify his child abuse, but he sure got one thing right: His school backed him up, accusing the “far-right activist group” of having distorted an example of its “inclusive, LGBTQ+ affirming, and comprehensive approach to sex education.”

Parker principal Dan Frank, shedding crocodile tears, told parents that “we are heartbroken that one of our colleague’s words have been severely misrepresented for a malicious purpose.”

Project Veritas “edited this video with malicious intent,” Frank claimed, before adding (letter below), “We are sickened by this group’s deceptive tactics.”

Of course, the school discourages people from sharing the video precisely because it contains damning truths. Note that while Principal Frank claims Bruno’s words have been “severely misrepresented,” he never explains the context that would justify giving 14-year-olds “butt plugs” and instruction in perversion. Instead, Frank just gaslights.

It’s much as when a Soviet representative would appear on American TV in the 1980s and utter the same bald-faced lies he would in his Marxist dictatorship. We’d just shake our heads and laugh — but now our Left, our media first and foremost, have adopted the same tactic. “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

This is at least partially effective, too, because these manipulators know that most of their target audience — Parker parents in Principal Frank’s case — will heed their calls and not view the information the deceivers want hidden. Remember here that many of these parents want their illusions, their rationalizations, preserved.

So the rot runs deep at Parker. Just consider that the “school also had a ‘scientist in residence’ named Dr. Mika Tosca,” who “is a man who identifies as a woman” (images below), reports Breitbart. “He has made several inappropriate comments on social media, where he has discussed ‘doing an exorbitant amount of party drugs off the toilet seat’ and having sex with ‘every man who had a pulse.’”

(Hat tip for the tweets: Breitbart.)

Yet while the Parker pseudo-elite may turn a blind eye to the school’s child abuse, not everyone is so inured. “If he [Bruno] was texting that kind of information to a single minor, he’d likely be charged and arrested. But when he does it in person to a class full of minors, nothing,” reads a popular comment under Project Veritas’s video on YouTube. Poster Cody Green added further perspective, writing that what’s “more terrifying about this is there are thousands of deviants like him in the school system.”

Quite true. As EWTN figure Father George Rutler once noted (I’m paraphrasing), “We’re not going to understand these phenomena if we view them as disconnected social accidents. They are all part of a deep cultural malaise.”

The Parker situation precisely reflects why I asked in a Sunday New American title, “Can a Post-Truth Society Such as Ours Be Long for This World?” A civilization simply cannot cease believing in Truth (objective definitionally), embrace relativism, and make as a consequence emotion-based decisions, without descending into decadence and barbarity. For then man’s animal nature reigns unconstrained by his better angels, for they are invisible to him.

The good news here is also the bad news: “If something can’t go on, it won’t,” the paraphrase of economist Herb Stein informs. Freedom misused can’t forever go on. The only question ever is: Will a people stand erect and end the evil before it burns itself out — and liberty in the process?