Spa “Transgender” Man Hit With Five Indecency Charges
Wi Spa, Los Angeles (AP Images)
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The man who started a national “transphobia” panic when he invaded the woman’s area of a health spa is a repeat sex offender with multiple convictions for publicly exposing himself.

And Darren Agee Merager now faces multiple charges in connection with the famous showdown at the spa. Cops charged Merager on Monday after receiving criminal complaints from four women and a minor girl.

In June, viral video of a fracas at Wi Spa in Los Angeles depicted an angry woman shouting a simple question at employees: Is it the spa’s policy to permit men to expose themselves in the women’s area?

Serial Exposer

On August 30, “charges of indecent exposure were discreetly filed against a serial sex offender for the Wi Spa incident, following an investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department,” Andy Ngo reported for the New York Post on Thursday:

Sources … say four women and a minor girl came forward to allege that Darren Agee Merager was partially [excited] in the women’s section of Wi Spa. Besides being a suspect in this case, Merager is facing multiple felony charges of indecent exposure over a separate incident in Los Angeles.

Merager faces five counts. But those aren’t the only ones he faces.

Wrote Ngo:

[He] is also facing six felony counts of indecent exposure over a separate locker room incident in December 2018. Los Angeles County prosecutors accuse Merager of indecent exposure to women and children in a changing area at a swimming pool in West Hollywood Park.

“Merager claims to identify as female so he can access women’s locker rooms and showers,” reads an internal flyer by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department that was sent to law enforcement departments in southern California in late 2018. Merager has pleaded not guilty to all six counts and her next court date for the incident is on Sept. 8. Merager told law enforcement she’s transient but bail was set at $150,000 in early 2019, which was paid.

Merager, of course, claims innocence. “Everything about the Wi Spa was a bunch of garbage and lies,” he told Ngo. “She never saw me naked. I was underwater with water all the way up to my chest.” 

Merager also denied exposing himself in a partially excited state.

The record on Merager is somewhat different, Ngo reported:

Law-enforcement sources revealed that Merager is a tier-one registered sex offender with two prior convictions of indecent exposure stemming from incidents in 2002 and 2003 in California. [He] declined to comment on the convictions. In 2008, [he] was convicted for failing to register as a sex offender. 

Throughout his story, Ngo insistently called the man “she.”

The Video

Merager invited the latest charges when employees at the spa let him into the women’s area. A furious woman complained that he exposed himself.

“I just want to be clear with you,” she said to a desk clerk. “It’s OK for a man to go into the woman’s section, show his penis around other women, young little girls, underage?” she asked a masked desk clerk. “Your spa, Wi Spa condones that?”

Employees said they had to let Merager use the women’s facilities to comply with the leftist state’s insane anti-”transgender” discrimination law.

The angry woman stood her ground:

I see a d*ck. It let’s me know he’s a man. He is a man. He is a man. He is not no female. He is not a female. He is not a female.”

When another customer asked whether she was speaking about a “transgender person,” the woman stood her ground: “There’s no such thing as transgender person. He has a d*ck.”

Despite that truth, and with no knowledge of Merager’s past, leftist media leapt to the defense of the so-called transgender. “Violence Over an Alleged Transphobic Hoax Shows the Danger of Underestimating Anti-Trans Hate,” blared a headline at leftist Slate.

“The unsubstantiated allegations about Wi Spa in LA’s Koreatown neighborhood quickly spread from social media to rightwing forums to far-right news sites to Fox News, and were distorted by anti-transgender groups across multiple countries,” the leftist Guardian reported.

Noting that the incident provoked protests and clashes between normal people and “trans activists,” the website cited experts who said the matter “offered a case study in how viral misinformation can result in violence.” As well, something more sinister was afoot in the viral video. It “provided clear evidence of the links between anti-trans and far-right movements, including QAnon conspiracy theorists, who believe that a cabal of elite pedophiles is manipulating the American government.”

But the video wasn’t “viral misinformation.” It showed a woman who was understandably furious that a man was in the woman’s area of the spa. 

Now, that man faces five felony charges of indecent exposure.

H/T: Ace of Spades